
Remarkably bad for an author with this kind of a pedigree

This is not Faulkner's best.

Realized I read this in college. Loved the language but I could not get close to these characters. Certainly I wanted to keep my distance from some ... Most of them- but I would have at least liked to have had a fleeting sense of having known the grungy fellows. Anyway - started strong with spot-on descriptions that had to be read aloud to my husband to just mucking along waiting for a stopping point so I could rest a while. Favorite character who I really disliked was Gordon, the drunk townie kid with a car who was with Temple when he drove into the tree. Someone said that this was set during prohibition - but is that so? I think it was just set in a bit fat dry area of Mississippi which wasn't so dad gum long ago. That will be a question I ask Brian.

Like all Faulkner books, I didn't actually enjoy reading this; but I still felt compelled to finish despite having successfully navigated my way through 2 classes without doing the daily reading. So there is something there about it, which is why it gets 2 stars. Also I'm am very glad I live in the time when authors give you information straight up rather rather than give you bits and pieces and hope you put it together because dear god if it wasn't for Wikipedia I would have no idea what just happened.