Emily: Sex & Sensibility The Wilde Sisters
Adventurous Journey in China during the Adoption of our daughter Emily Elizes, baby at less than 1 year old. (Introduction) This journal is about the adoption journey of the Elizes Family for their daughter Emily also known as Xuege Fan which began in 2005 when the Elizes Family decided to begin the international adoption process through the Gladney Center for Adoption. The family went through a lengthy waiting period before receiving a referral for Xuege Fan in December 2009. This book details the two-week journey of Romerl Elizes, the adoptive father, and Laura Pawson, a close relative in March 2010 from the United States to three major cities in China: Beijing, Wuhan, and Guangzhou to secure the adoption of Xuege Fan. The journey is a personal journey that shows how an adoption could change the lives and perceptions of the adoptive family in such a wonderful and meaningful way. The Family Before Emily Greetings. My name is Rom. I am married to Evelyn and we have a son named Eric. The purpose of this journal is to record my adventures in my adoption journey for our daughter Emily whose original name is Xuege Fan.
Zhenya Zhelyazkova @elathanverin