Sanjeev Sharma
Ananta Shesha Naga
Rise of the Demon Prince

Ananta Shesha Naga Rise of the Demon Prince

The concealed secret of mighty powers of Nagas and the protocol of the treaty among Devas, Asuras and Nagas has been compromised by five traitor Sarpa brothers of Ananta Shesha Naga royal family. The seed to destroy the world has been concealed by the lustrous demon Sarpini Swarna and the Royal Naga bloodline has been defected. The demon master of the dark world had waged a deathly invasion to defunct all races.Puissant empires are falling. There is no one left to challenge his prowess's and his long-standing dark forces to save the world except the last lone Naga warrior, Ananta Shesha Naga and his lord Maha Rudra. "THERE WAS NEVER ANY PEACE, THE WORLD WAS ALWAYS AT WAR"
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