Beautiful Monster
Playboy. Socialite. Frivolous and Wicked. Alexander Caldwell needs to settle down. Hence the giant white house he just bought in the suburbs.The one that backs up to the house filled with three single women living in it.They all have their sights set on him...but it's her he can't get out of his head.Alexander has absolutely no place getting involved with a teenage girl with the world in her eyes.But he does. Tortured. Lonely. Desperate to run.Sunny Thorn needs to get out of her mother's house. To do that, she needs money.Hence taking the job painting a mural in Alexander Caldwell's pool house. The man whose eyes follow her. The man with the sculpted jaw and commanding presence. The man who is way too old for her.When Sunny has the chance to get out of Pineridge and start a future of her own, he should let her go. But he doesn't. Beautiful Monster is a standalone age-gap forbidden romance from the author of the Wicked Hearts series.

Kristin Luca@krisluca

Sarahy Benavides @gansito
De no ser por el sentimiento de que fueron dos historias distintas, hubiera dado 5 estrellas, fue muy bueno, demasiado bueno , por poco lloro.

Shannon O’Connor @shan_oconnor
This is the second book of Cate’s that I’ve read and honestly, if I hadn’t read Gravity first, this might have been my last. The storyline is just okay. It has the hype to be a great age gap romance but it just falls flat. There is a lot of build up that ultimately leads to something, but it could’ve been better. The characters are supposed to have this incredible tension and although they say it, it’s not portrayed well. It seems quite forced. The writing is good, it just isn’t a story I cared about. I had a hard time finishing this book because I was bored waiting for something to happen.

Nicky Morgan@nickym96

Kellie Rittershausen@kritter63

hannah :)@hkayx

Cristina Martinez@literalbook

Janae Lusk@amourjay23

Sadie Burbank @sadie2896

Natasha Zwijacz@natreads18



alli novick@allinovick19

Sarah Pitre@heyhihellosarah

Ashton Crossley @ashton

Anna // read.all.night @readallnight