
Cozy book with just enough drama to make it a page turner and an ending that is perfect.

A whimsical book that feels like summer. There were some dark spots in this book but overall I loved it. The characters were so well written and even the side characters were well thought out. The story ended abruptly yet exactly how I thought it would. A very quick read. If you like Practical Magic then you'll like this as well!

This book reminded me of Alice Hoffman's Practical Magic...only with a southern flair and a bit more lighthearted approach. This is the book that really made me a fan of Sarah Addison Allen.

practical magic adjacent

A classificação correcta seria 3,5. O enredo em si não tem nada de novo, mas pura e simplesmente adorei a forma como a autora mistura a magia com o quotidiano, como se fosse natural. Com uma escrita muito fluída, entramos na mente dos principais personagens, conhecendo os seus pensamentos e motivações, sempre de uma forma muito natural e nada forçada.

маленький город, где все часть своего клана. женщины семьи икс всего добиваются сексом, мужчины семьи игрек всегда берут жен старше себя. разозлилась на эту деталь (которая, я думаю, кому-то покажется милейшей). как будто семья владеет тобой, даже когда ты сам не хочешь. точнее не на деталь разозлилась, а на то, что ее преподносят как благо. мой вариант - "сто лет одиночества", где это скорее проклятие

4.5 - I want Waverly magic! Also I just realized this reminds me a lot of The Unfortunate Miss Fortunes, only better, more fully fleshed (I don't think that is an actual expression, rather a combination of fleshed out and fully fledged, but it suits my purposes this way)

This is the second book I've read from this author and I enjoyed it just as much as the first. She has a knack for weaving a story that is both charming and original. I can't help but love all the quirky characters including the old apple tree in the backyard that literally throws apples at people to get their attention. Would defenitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a great summer read!

Warm, soothing, enchanting. This book is such a nice, easy read. Perfect to get lost in when you just need somewhere to escape.

If you like smut, this really isn't the romance for you. But I thought it was sweet and I loved the familial relationships. It's very atmospheric and I enjoyed it greatly.

Fun and delightful. Sarah Addison Allen has fun with her stories and so will you. This is a delightful read both fun and serious at the same time. The writing is good, the characters are lovable, and the plot is well, magical.

Absolutely delightful. The perfect summer beach read. If you love magical realism, sisterhood, cooking, and Southern charm, you must get to know this author, Sarah Addison Allen, and especially this book. Some books are like candy, some like crack, some like a complicated bouillabaise. This book is like warm apple pie, made with magic apples.