
My favorite Sarah Dessen book by far. She's just one of those authors that puts out good book after good book. They're the perfect light summer read and there's a book for EVERYONE'S taste! Everyone loves a Sarah Dessen book, and this ones mine(:

★★★★★ // i love reading about two people just naturally falling in love as they get to know each other in the most seemingly small—but big—ways. and ugh, i love this bustling group of imperfect but endearing people.

Cute contemporary, slow start and the secondary characters are not really developed so I didn't feel very invested in the story. Liked the ending though

I couldn't really get into this book, which is a bit of a shame since I do like Sarah Dessen's novels. While the message of living your life for yourself is a good one, the story seemed clunky and very much followed the Sara Dessen formula (big upset leads to growth and change). I'd give this 2.5 stars if I could.

I liked this book. This story dealt with family loss, grieving, being perfect, love, failure, growing up, and changing. So Macy lost her dad and has tried to hold it together ever since that accident. She has tried and tried to be the way her mom wants her to be,perfect, but suddenly she meets people that little by little change her and teach her how to live without fear

Loved it!

One of my favorite sarah dessen books. loved the ending. wish i knew a wes



I really didn't like this book. the only reason I gave it two stars is because I really liked the character Wes.

So this was my first audiobook, a random one, didn't even read the description of it and glad I picked it. I listened to it without breaks I just couldn't stop it was that good. It's my first book that I read by this author(and plan to read some more )and I absolutely adored it and warmed my heart 💖.

For absolutely no reason other than because it can be, this is my favorite contemporary novel. There is absolutely nothing special about it, but it makes me so, so happy. And every single year, I pick it up again and reread it, wondering if I'll feel the same unconditional love for it, and I always do. I love it so much.

I wonderful story about embracing your imperfections, and continuing to be there for someone even if they push you away. Also getting to know someone by a game of Truth is genius.

I liked the story quite a bit. But her use of parentheticals and split dialogue was used way to often. It honestly made it difficult to read and comprehend. I had to keep rereading sentences to grasp what was happening. I want to almost give the book four stars just for the story but the writing has to have a lot to do with ratings so it's going to be a three star for me.

It's really 2.5 stars. Cute secondary characters, lots of cliches and a happy ending. No, with a book like that happy ending is not a spoiler, it's the very reason people read these books.

Listen all I’m going to say is YES I cried when I read it in junior high and YES I cried reading it again.


When I started rereading this book again, I didn’t know what to expect because I’d read it a while ago, but I loved it! The characters and story, even though I don’t typically like teen romance, sarah dessen’s writing style always draws me in! Love love loved it!

***3 Stars*** My rating for this book is more me than the book. I think if I was younger still in my middle/high school age, I would have definitely loved this book. Instead it was taking me forever to finish that I ended up skimming the last half of the book. I can take away from this knowing that my reading taste have grown and changed.

This book felt middling from the beginning. Dessen never really dove deep into her characters and their motivations. The mother, for example, embodied every stereotype imaginable and her "transformation" towards the end felt unbelievable. Actually, all the characters embodied stereotypes, flat ones at that. None of the characters change. Everything existed at surface level. I don't recommend the book.

This one made me think about so much... And thanks Kristy for saying all those things, about forever

This book just held so much meaning, it was so deep. Rather than only a cute contemporary, it dealt with love, loss and striving for perfection in a really raw way. Which is what I loved about it a lot. Despite the slow start, I loved the book.

Another one of my favorite reads by Sarah Dessen. I love that this author can create such diverse characters in every book and I love every one of them. From this book in particular is where I got the name for my daughter. I loved this book, I loved the characters and the plot and the relationship between Macy and her mother. I love that the author brings to life real life problems and shows real ways of dealing with them. A great read that I will continue to re-read for years to come!

This book is what made me fall in love with Sarah Dessen. Macy herself was a wonderfully writ character. I felt like I was right there with her throughout the entire story. And Wes! I fell in love with him right away. In some books, the side story can get kind of annoying or you get tired of reading it. Not this book. While I was anxiously awaiting the next romantic parts, I was also awaiting the catering part as well. Dessen made a wonderful novel that I will keep in my collection for as long as I live. This book had so much depth and real life to it. The side characters were equally as interesting and still had that depth that Macy and Wes had. By far my favorite book.

I felt something catch in my throat, a sudden surge of sadness that caught me unaware, almost taking my breath. That was the thing. You never got used to it, the idea of someone being gone. Just when you think it's reconciled, accepted, someone points it out to you and it just hits you all over again, that shocking.

"Some people," she said, and I wasn't even sure she'd heard me, "they can just move on, you know, mourn and cry and be done with it. Or at least seem to be. But for me... I don't know. I didn't want to fix it, to forget. It wasn't something that was broken. It's just ... something that happened. And like that hole, I'm just finding ways, every day, of working around it. Respecting and remembering and getting on at the same time. You know?”

It felt so weird, to be on the other side, where you were the one expected to offer condolences, not receive them. I wanted my "sorry" to sound genuine, because it was. That was the hard thing about grief, and the grieving. They spoke another language, and the words we knew always fell short of what we wanted them to say.

I like flaws, I think they make things interesting.

The choices you make now, the people you surround yourself with, they all have the potential to affect your life, even who you are, forever.
This book appears in the club Read the harry potter series with me