Sarah Mallet, Florence Alexandre
Couple Self-Therapy
Improve Communication, Regain Desire and Break the Routine

Couple Self-Therapy Improve Communication, Regain Desire and Break the Routine

We've all gone through complicated times as couples... There can be many reasons for this: communication problems, repeated quarrels, routine, jealousy, unfaithfulness, etc.... In 15 years, the number of break-ups has jumped 63%. Long-term unions are also less and less common.. What is the purpose of this book? Through this book, we wanted to propose a self-therapy, to be done at your own pace from home. Imagined and conceived in collaboration with a psychotherapist with many years of experience in couple therapy. With 3 objectives : - Improve communication in the couple. - Recover desire and complicity. - Break the routine and spice up the relationship. What does this self-therapy consist of? To feel good in a relationship, you have to be in harmony with yourself. The program begins with individual work (confidence in oneself, communication, management of emotions) to then progress with your partner and rebuild a common project and a fulfilling life as a couple. The program alternates between theory and practice with many exercises so that you can apply what you learn. Module 1: Self-confidence and self-esteem. Self-confidence, a whole module to regain good self-esteem and no longer underestimate or devalue oneself. Module 2: Stop conflicts and crises. Find better communication with your partner to put an end to unnecessary conflicts. Module 3: Winning back the partner. How to break the routine, spice up your relationship and become irresistible to your partner. Module 4: Fulfilment as a couple and sexuality. Share intense moments with your partner for a more fulfilling married life. Through these four modules, many methods are presented, sometimes demanding. Whether your couple is going through a difficult period or not, this book will be able to enlighten you on many techniques whose benefits are no longer to be demonstrated. The authors : Sarah Mallet is a psychotherapist and has worked in her practice all her career in contact with couples in difficulty. Her favourite techniques in couple therapy are NLP and transactional analysis. Now retired, she works as a human resources consultant for companies. Sarah was immediately seduced by this book project in order to share her vision and experience of the profession. Florence Alexandre is the mother of two children and has a busy professional life. Over the years, Florence has gradually lost ground. Following the arrival of the second child, her couple was going through a deep crisis. Outside help was being considered, but her spouse did not wish to consult, convinced that things will get better tomorrow. Since the situation has calmed down, Florence decided to write with the help of a psychotherapist the book she would have liked to find when her couple was at its lowest point.
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