Third Eye Awakening

Third Eye Awakening How to Activate Your Third Eye Chakra and Pineal Gland

If you want to tap into your hidden, spiritual being and open a floodgate of creativity, then you'll want to keep reading... We all have a pineal gland located in our brains. There is a direct relationship between the 3rd eye and the pineal gland. It is often referred to as the "seat of the soul" and is the gateway between the body and soul. The pineal gland is directly related to our circadian rhythms. In other words, it directly effects our sleep cycles. Unfortunately, with our modern lifestyles, many of us have a pineal gland that does not function properly. Is your pineal gland functioning properly? In this book you'll discover... The top 5 things you do that suppresses your third eye (pineal gland) and how to correct it. The secret ingredient that you must be exposed to everyday in order to improve your pineal gland function. ?How to recognize if you have pineal gland calcification and how what you can do to correct it. The one food you are eating every day that is hindering the function of your ability to open your third eye. How to detox in order to improve gland function 3 foods that are rarely talked about that can help detox your gland. How colors and odors play a role. The one thing you do every day that could be the real cause of 90% of pineal gland calcifications.And much, much more! The pineal gland is an amazon gland that we all possess. Unfortunately, many of us have an under-functioning gland don't even know it! If you want to improve your health and feel better and more energized, then what are you waiting for? Click the Add To Cart button to get started now.
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