Behind her eyes
Easy read

Behind her eyes a novel

"Only two can keep a secret if one of them is dead. David and Adele seem like the ideal pair. He's a successful psychiatrist, she is his picture-perfect wife who adores him. But why is he so controlling? And why is she keeping things hidden? As Louise, David's new secretary, is drawn into their orbit, she uncovers more puzzling questions than answers. The only thing that is crystal clear is that something in this marriage is very, very wrong. But Louise can't guess how wrong--and how far a person might go to protect their marriage's secrets. "-- "Destined to the the blockbuster book of 2017, Behind Her Eyes is a psychological thriller with a to-die-for twist for fans of Luckiest Girl Alive and Stephen King"--
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Photo of Jillian Roberts
Jillian Roberts@jillianroberts
3.5 stars
Dec 16, 2024

The ending was a massive shock. Very unique and interesting story

Photo of Cori
3 stars
Jun 1, 2024

** spoiler alert ** I don’t know how I feel about the ending because the twist really did get me. But it’s a love or hate kind of book. It was a really good read, but the ending is also impossible to guess because it did have some supernatural twist. But I loved reading it. It was very entertaining and I’m glad I was able to

Photo of Anjorin Molayo
Anjorin Molayo @bookishtems
5 stars
Jun 1, 2024

holy shit.

Photo of Lisa Wright
Lisa Wright@uncommonink
5 stars
May 24, 2024

This book had a “holy sh*t” ending, in a good way. And I’d just gotten worried it would end predictably! Every chapter left questions I had to know answers to so I couldn’t put it down for hours at a time. Even the ending was compelling, leaving a visceral dread in the pit of my stomach as I wondered what happens next. I’m Definitely reading more books by this author.

Photo of Nabila Azahra
Nabila Azahra@nabilazhhr
3 stars
Mar 24, 2024

The ending tho...

Photo of azliana aziz
azliana aziz@heartinidleness
2 stars
Jan 13, 2024

at the exact page 100 i was seriously considering to just let this book go because i'm having difficulties in trying to care for the characters and to suspend my disbelief over some of the occurrences in the story. so why continue then? you ask. well, because of the constant praise and people really can't stop talking about the twist at the ending like it's the second coming of Jesus so i thought why the hell not. this is a challenge i can get behind. HA indeed a #wtfthatending but unlike maybe 80% of y'all who loved it i'm in the minority who felt cheated and loathed it. it was a cheap, contrived, cringeworthy twist that really belongs to another kind of book in a different kind of genre.

Photo of Melissa Palmer
Melissa Palmer@melissapalmer404
5 stars
Nov 5, 2023

Book #97 Read in 2018 Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough These are crazy people but oh so interesting to read about. David and Adele are married, but not happily. David begins an affair with Louise. Adele begins to plot. There are twists and turns in this book that readers will never see coming. It is a gripping psychological thriller and I highly recommend it.

Photo of Lauren Mills
Lauren Mills@laurene2014
4 stars
Jun 4, 2023

This book felt realllllly long but I was hoping for a pretty good twist ending. Wasn’t disappointed 👏🏻

Photo of Gia Palamos
Gia Palamos@giapalamos
4 stars
Mar 25, 2023

i had to put it down a few times to catch my breath and calm down. this book is crazy!! crazy good. it builds up flawlessly. and the ending. MY GOD THE ENDING!!!!!!!!!! 4.3 stars for me~

Photo of Vilandra
3 stars
Mar 17, 2023

I didn’t like that there was nothing to guess at leading up to the reveal - and there don’t really seem to be clues along the way. It feels like they came up with a twist and then just added it to the last 20 pages.

Photo of Jerilynn Hallett
Jerilynn Hallett @jerilynnhallett
4 stars
Feb 24, 2023

3.5 rounding up to 4

Photo of dija
2 stars
Jan 23, 2023

What the fuck????????????? I was going to give it four stars but the last chapter was utter bullshit like NAH WHY WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT

Photo of Midori Kobayashi
Midori Kobayashi@snortingpages
4 stars
Jan 22, 2023

4.5/5 fucking stars lmao yeah yeah, i know very conflicting and contrasting from the usual reviews but I FUCKING LOVED THIS. idc about logic or whatever man- i knew this book had a hint of supernatural and i was okay with it. Hell, it makes me read more such stuff. That ending? chef's kiss i think this is gonna be one of those books i don't shut up about LIKE EVER? (although the writing style is very choppy and chapters are very small with all different POVs- so while it makes it easier to breeze through, certainly not very good writing.) Sharing a secret always feels great in the moment, but then becomes a burden in itself. That gnawing in the pit of your stomach that something has been set free and you can’t call it back and now someone else has that power over your future.

Photo of natalie
4 stars
Jan 21, 2023

what the fuck

Photo of Shay
2 stars
Jan 8, 2023

Literally. This was a fantastic story with easily relatable characters. The narration was spot on. The book had me hooked from page 1 right up until the last half hour. Disappointed that I did not see the unrealistic fantasy twist tacked onto the end of this book. While I enjoyed the overall story the unbelievable ending was so disappointing that it ruined the whole book for me.

Photo of Jessica Ford
Jessica Ford@jessford
4 stars
Jan 7, 2023

Wow! I almost gave up on this book. The first half was slow and really didn’t draw me in. I stuck with it though, and I’m glad I did. Twists and turns and a crazy twist at the end. I can’t wait to read more from this author

Photo of Cara VanFulpen
Cara VanFulpen @caravanfulpen
5 stars
Dec 26, 2022

An amazing thriller!

Photo of Amanda Castaneda
Amanda Castaneda@mona089
5 stars
Nov 20, 2022

OMG!!! What an ending!!

Photo of Leonor Ribeiro
Leonor Ribeiro @leonor_ribeiro
3 stars
Oct 24, 2022


Photo of Sam Missingham
Sam Missingham@samatlounge
5 stars
Sep 17, 2022

Full disclosure - I work for HarperCollins who publish this book. Irrespective of that.... Absolutely cracker. Gripping, page-turner that speeds to one hell of an ending.

Photo of Rebecca Self
Rebecca Self @rebecca_self
4 stars
Aug 29, 2022

** spoiler alert ** Very weird. Very bizarre. I enjoyed the supernatural aspect to it, but I totally understand why people didn't like it because it is not realistic. Although not totally sure how I felt about the fact that it was Rob in Adele's body the whole time - uncomfortable but also like whatttttt.

Photo of Anne
Anne @annedemonium
5 stars
Aug 26, 2022


Photo of harper fitzpatrick
harper fitzpatrick@theredband
3 stars
Aug 23, 2022

i am beyond upset. i am literally so pissed off at this ending don't even get me started. i was rooting for her, the entire time): i'm not even sure how all of that checks out?

Photo of Dee B.
Dee B. @deeisreading
3 stars
Aug 19, 2022

I genuinely don't know how I feel about this book... -------------- This book is slump inducing and I want to sue everyone responsible for putting these words into my ears. I'm mad and sad about it. Plot: 3/4 of the book - what the hell is even happening? Why is everyone so obsessed with each other? Adele with David, Rob and Lou. Lou with Adele and David. David with David. Oh. Ok so Adele's a good sleeper so she can teach Lou how to sleep too. Nice...I guess. Last quarter - ok things are getting...weird...but interesting. Saw that coming. That too. Bleh. The literal last chapter - HOLY SHIT?! I did NOT see THAT coming. Now I know why everyone says that this book is ALL ABOUT THE ENDING. I get it. But I hate that it has to take all of those pages to get good. Ugh.