Just Friends

Second read, 21 Aug 2021: Still totally loved this. I forgot how much I love some good pining. First read, 28 Oct 2020: 4.5 stars Oh wow I really enjoyed this read. Best friends to lovers with a ton of pining is totally my new thing. I loved the characters, I just wanted to wrap Roo up in a blanket and protect him from the world, and Tanner was such a loveable oblivious idiot (not an idiot for being dyslexic like how he thinks of himself, but for how goddamn obvious he was to his own feelings). A theme for this authors books seems to be no ridiculous relationship angst which I absolutely love. It’s so refreshing to read books where the relationship doesn’t fall apart just at the climax because of some silly misunderstanding. Roo and Tanner definitely had some problems but they didn’t let it get in the way of their relationship.