Platonic Rulebook

I’ll be honest I skipped a lot of the text between dialogue. I wouldn’t say this was a bad story but it just seem to be a rinse and repeat of all is SJ’s recent works. There’s always an Event™ that the characters plan at the start, which is when we can expect them to get together for the first time. There is always a Problem™ or two, and we can see the solution from the start and are just waiting for the characters to figure it out too. There is also always an Issue™ that temporarily keeps the couple from being together/going public. The characters personalities are also so similar, and you could honestly just change the names of the characters in the sex scenes from the last four books and you wouldn’t even notice a difference. Heath and Griff were cute together but the change from platonic to romance soulmates was way too quick, so quick that one page theyre just physically attracted to each other and then next they can’t imagine life without each other. Neither of them every think how weird it is to go from platonic love to romantic love (or maybe I just missed it on account of my page skipping) but if I suddenly fell in love with my best friend of 20 years I’d at least have to think about how strange it was once or twice. I am still gonna keep reading SJ’s books and I’m really looking forward to Art and Joey’s eventual story (and maybe Felix’s too?) because I feel like their personalities will offer a bit of a change from the usual.