The Dating Disaster

Felix and Marshall 😍😍

** spoiler alert ** 2.5/5 This had soooooo much potential. It actually felt different to SJ’s previous books for a change, we have two characters with two very different personalities and their initial meeting wasn’t like anything she’d written before. I haven’t felt any originality from SJ’s books in a long time until this and until about 30% I thought this could be a contender for one of my fav of her books. It started well, even if Felix kept assuming everything wrong. But then it just started to get annoying. Marshall is demi and kept saying he wanted a romantic first time, but then he just randomly decides he’s gonna do it on the beach with Felix. It honestly felt wrong to read since Marshall was thinking that this was a big deal while to Felix it just seemed like a quick fuck on the beach. Then there was even more miscommunication when Felix overheard something and didn’t confront Marshall about it. Actually I don’t think he ever asked Marshall about it? Unless it was in one of the parts I skipped over, but instead after a few days of avoiding him he just went back to trying to be close to Marshall. Every other chapter the guys thought the other liked them, then didn’t, then did, and it kept changing constantly. Then we get the big gesture scene and Marshall drops the L bomb when he’s not even sure how Felix’s feel?? And they weren’t even dating?? It was ridiculous. Felix also said some mean things to Marshall quite often, and he started to feel like a push over cause he never even reacted to anything Felix said and kept being affectionate towards him. I started skipping ahead the audio towards the end, I was too sick of the miscommunications and I honestly don’t think I missed anything. I’m so disappointed because there was so much potential and I genuinely liked the initial intro of the characters but the plot was just too full of miscommunication and inconsistency with feelings. The only reason I’m not rating it 2 stars is because I did genuinely enjoy the start.