The Purest Hook A Second Circle Tattoos Novel

Check out this and my other reviews at My Blog, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest Copy received via netgalley in exchange or an honest review ★Book Basics★ Genre : - Cont. Romance Series : - 3 in the series. Love triangle? - (view spoiler)[No (hide spoiler)] Cheating? - (view spoiler)[No (hide spoiler)] HEA? - (view spoiler)[Yes (hide spoiler)] Would I read more by this author/or in this series? - Yes Rating - 4 ★Review★ I actually started reading this a few weeks ago but struggled to get into it, maybe as a much anticipated book was due, then that was a HUGE disappointment, so I re read some old favourites to cheer myself up, and picked this up again after, started from the beginning, and got into it a lot better. However, I ended up loving it. The heroine Pixie, I liked her so much more than the heroine in book 2, who drove me up the wall. I loved Dred, he was a great hero, and him and Pixie were just perfect for each other. And while for me, book 1 is still the best, this one was much better then book 2. As with book 2, I felt there was maybe a touch too much drama going on, with his history, her history, her history making a re appearance, his issues with an ex hook up, the band and their issues with their manager etc...but it felt more organic and less contrived than some of the drama from book 2. And I truly loved the story about Dred and Pixie, however - there are a few plot devices that I tend to really dislike in romance land, but can be rather overused. MAJOR MAJOR (view spoiler)[ I get why the heroine would be a virgin, I do, but to have his ex hook up be so awful, a drug user, so the baby is born addicted to drugs then admits she pinned holes in the condom to try and get pregnant so she could bleed Dred dry for life as a career choice, hold the baby to ransom etc, nope did not like it. One day I will read a story about an ex that is nice, and maybe a mother to the heroes child, but they get on just fine! Luckily for Dred **sarcasm** the horrible birth mother of his child conveniently dies so him and Pixie can then play happy families with his daughter for ever more. But this sort of thing is not exclusive to this author, so while I do not like it, I try to not downgrade stars for it, since it is just such an overused plot device, maybe not the baby thing, but the whole Madonna/Whore thing. (hide spoiler)] But, despite that, I really enjoyed this and look forward to more in the series. I will say to the author, please please pleeeeaaaaasssse can we have a series about Dred's band? Because I fell in love with them ALL. Especially Jordan! She knew Jordan had some kind of issues that kept the band living together, but the décor spoke volumes. At one end, the room was sparse, barren of anything. Jordan sat on a double bed, which seemed uncomfortable for a man of his stature. There was a desk, but it had nothing on it except a spiral notebook and a pen. But the corner he'd created for Petal...it was as if spring had sprung. From the point where the two walls met was a beautiful mural of a field with wild flowers. A white crib sat pushed up against it, while a large mobile with butterflies, bees and dragonflies swirled overhead....... And yes that little bit brok my heart and deserved that many GIFS!