A Touch of Malice

I really couldn’t stand the plot it all just felt random?? And the smut?? What was that😟 “I want to f*ck” I cannot imagine talking like that it was so cringey to me:( I’m not reading the fourth one, I skimmed practically the whole thing

This is such an intensely written book, the end leaves you with such a cliff hanger. The wedding was so beautifully written and how we see hades and Persephone’ relationship thrive.

Probably my favourite of the series so far! Oh my god, the cliffhanger at the end! This one is definitely more action driven, still a lot of spicy moments. I think of all the books this one felt the most balanced with plot and spice which gave it the extra star for me.

This is probably the best book of the series “Persephone’s POV”

Underworld Another glimpse of Hades and Persephone’s story as they battle Olympian’s and mortals rising to overthrow all Gods. I really like these stories, but the typos are starting to get out of hand. I have high hopes that maybe the next one will be better proofread because, again the story is really good.

Underworld Another glimpse of Hades and Persephone’s story as they battle Olympian’s and mortals rising to overthrow all Gods. I really like these stories, but the typos are starting to get out of hand. I have high hopes that maybe the next one will be better proofread because, again the story is really good.

The entire time i was reading this book i couldn’t decide if i liked it but when i finished it i knew i HAD to keep reading. You’ve done it again Scarlett.

I’m here for the smut.
But honestly I really love where this series is going. It’s giving the best bits of Greek mythology while also weaving in complex relationships. And who can’t love a steamy scene every few pages!

if this had half the amount of sex scenes I would've easily given it a 4.

The ending had me like HUHHHH

The end of this book has made me physically angry, I just can't.

A whore for Greek mythology, soooo there’s a 4th huh 😏😏

The best one in the series this far.

** spoiler alert ** I thoroughly enjoyed this book as much as the last, maybe even more. I love the connections of classic myths & the continued variations or creations this author has on some of them. The sex is steamy as ever, the love abundant, & suspense uncanny. The climax toward the end felt a tad rushed at times, but the cliffhanger ending has me on the edge of me seat! I cannot wait for the 4th book to come out! In the meantime, ill settle for reading the Hades Saga. ***mild spoilers ahead*** I do personally wish we saw a little more of the rebonding between Persophone & Lexa. Im super hopeful that maybe the lack of that means there is a future spin off in the authors mind. Maybe, Lexa & Thanatos, A Touch of Forbidden Love, or something along those lines. I like that the author spends realistic time developing her main characters and she doesn't progress them unnaturally. I know some people mention they don't care for Persophenes decisions or personality at times, but I appreciate the authors raw & realistic interpretations of these characters & the process they have to go through to grow. This book can be a trigger, but it also signals hope. It fed me strength at a time I truly needed it and didn't even realize it. I hope the author spends some extra time on battle scenes In the next one. We see a glimpse of her skill in portrayal a war of Gods in this novel and I'm a bit of a sucker for some powerful, magickal battle scenes followed by hot sex. Haha! Im hopeful for more!

Underworld Another glimpse of Hades and Persephone’s story as they battle Olympian’s and mortals rising to overthrow all Gods. I really like these stories, but the typos are starting to get out of hand. I have high hopes that maybe the next one will be better proofread because, again the story is really good.

Yet again, I could not put this book down! Scarlett St Clair’s retelling is so good. There were so many twists, this book really did keep me on my toes…Also the spice was just right 🥵😏

This is my favorite in the Hades and Persephone series so far. The love that these two have for one another is palpable. The trauma that these two characters go through is insane. Hades is tender and loving all while being the most feared God. The ending of this has me wanting so much more. Apparently Scarlett is coming out with another book next year and I am now anxiously awaiting it.

God the amount of errors in this made me think there wasn't even an editor involved in the process - plot was still bomb though

On voit tout de suite que ça devient plus sombre. Malheureusement j’ai du mal à accrocher, à rentrer dans à la plupart des événements qui arrivent. Dans cet avis, je veux surtout aborder le sujet principal à savoir le couple de Hades et Persephone. Autant dans le tome 2 je commençais à me dire « bon ça craint » de plus en plus quand je voyais leur couple, mais là c’est le pompon. Vraiment je crois j’ai jamais vu un couple aussi toxique. Ils se disputent sans cesse, ne sont font pas confiance et se respecte à peine (il faut se le dire), et après ils baisent n’importe où n’importe quand pour régler leur problème. Sacré mariage. Petit plus : j’ai préféré le smut ici, parce que dans le tome 2 vraiment je chialais de gêne tellement je trouvais ça mal écrit. D’ailleurs elle a mis le paquet sur ce genre de scène, et je pense vraiment que c’est pour satisfaire le lecteur parce que vu la fréquence (c’est dire 40 scènes par chapitre) ça se voit ces scènes ne sont pas là pour apporter quelque chose dans l’histoire/la romance mais pour le désir du lecteur qui lit ce livre pour le côté new adult. Je trouve ça affligeant de combler autant le vide de son livre comme ça. Mais vraiment je crois j’ai jamais vu une romance aussi plate, sans profondeur. Ça se voit ils sont ensemble uniquement parce que l’auteur reprend le mythe mdr. Si ça n’avait pas été un couple issu des mythes, c’est évident que ce ne serait pas du tout passé. Ils n’ont rien à faire ensemble parce que leur relation est vide. Ils ne partagent rien si ce n’est des secrets et des problèmes. En fait j’ai l’impression ce sont des personnages secondaires de leur propre histoire tellement rien n’est raconté sur eux. Jamais d’infos sur Hades, très peu sur Persephone. Pour résumer d’après moi, l’auteur ne rend pas du tout hommage à ces dieux et ne maîtrise pas le sujet. Maintenant je veux aborder le sujet du livre en lui même. La trahison de Demeter est selon moi crédible, ainsi que la nouvelle guerre. Mais mon dieu pour moi la revisite de certains personnages, comme par exemple Hélène et Thésée, et la mort de Demeter, c’est pas possible. C’est certes romancé car c’est une revisite, mais j’ai trouvé ça trop gros. Quant à la castration de Zeus par Hécate, certes comme le dit l’auteure (en note à la fin du livre) Hécate est la seule déesse à qui Zeus permet dans la mythologie de lui donner des ordres ou de le corriger, et donc c’est pour cela qu’elle a décidé qu’ici Hécate allait castrer Zeus, pourtant ça m’étonnerait que le roi se laisse blesser aussi gravement comme ça sans représailles alors qu’il doit imposer l’autorité. Bref ça part dans tous les sens Heureusement que Hermès et Apollon sont là, j’adore leurs apparitions ils illuminent ce livre.

3.5/5 Rating. "Before you, I only knew loneliness, even in a room full of people—it was an ache, sharp and cold and constant and I was desperate to fill it." "We are all broken, Persephone. It’s what we do with pieces that matters"

Boy was I wrong in the previous book review the storyline is incredible now! I’m so happy I finished the series and I’ve really fallen in love with the story! I can’t wait for the 4th book!

What the hell just happened?

I finally hit a wall with these books. I read through the first two quickly but hit a walk with the third. It just doesn’t keep my attention and i don’t feel excited to read it.

My first love, my wife, the first and last Queen of the Underworld.

The roses, for instance, were sweet with a hint of smoke

The more she noticed that every bloom smelled like Hades - it was an undercurrent, faint but definitely distinct.

She had used Hades power against him, and it had felt cruel and agonising

A darkness lingered there as deep and as ancient as his magic.

Are you worried my mouth will sabotage our engagement?

What kind of Queen would I be if I abandoned my people?

There is something dark that lives inside me

She had never seen him like this before. This was his pain, real and raw.
Hades crying

He smiled, though sad. “Death is,” he said. “Even for gods.”
Hermes talking about his son Pan that passed away.

Your mother wants to fuck with us. Then we shall fuck with her.


He was stunning, King of Darkness, cloaked in shadow

There is a darkness within you. Anger, fear, resentment. If you do not free yourself first, no one else can.

This, she thought, was the most vulnerable they’d ever been with one another.

It had been locked away so long, freedom had made it feral.
Persephone describing her magic

Alas, he said, his voice low. You are my greatest weakness.

Do not ruin your evening thinking of her, my darling

“I failed you that day.”
Shows how deeply Hades cares about Persephone

If his gaze were fire, she would have burned happily beneath it.