
Superboy Extraction

Superboy must sort out his feelings for Wonder Girl and the other Teen Titans in time to save himself from N.O.W.H.E.R.E.'s deadly soldiers, an island full of dinosaurs, monstrous metal giants, and psychic assailants.
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Photo of Sans
3 stars
Sep 11, 2021

Things felt out of order here. I read the Harvest stuff separately, but then it came back again at the end of this volume? That's another peeve I have with N52. All the crossovers end up leaving half a story out or include a random issue of another title and I'm sitting here wondering how many people actually bought floppies and read them in order because that's not very practical.

Photo of Christian Huss
Christian Huss@curiousquill
5 stars
Feb 5, 2022
Photo of Branden Harris
Branden Harris@tatoes
5 stars
Oct 26, 2021