Favored Not Forgotten

Favored Not Forgotten Embrace the Season, Thrive in Obscurity, Activate Your Purpose

Has this year left you feeling abandoned, lost or tossed about? Maybe you even felt like God hung you out to dry! Favored Not Forgotten will show you the truth about dark seasons in your life. We've all gone through it and will experience them again. Maybe it was losing a job, your family or your own identity after marriage. Even the most promising opportunities begin with a "wilderness season."Don't get stuck in the dark. Pastor Adam McCain and Dr. Scott Silverii will guide you through what you may perceive as a dark time in life when in reality, it is the preparation for an incredible gifting and the activation of your new anointing in life. Learn how to Embrace the Season, Thrive in Obscurity, and Activate your Purpose in this exciting promise from God, and always remember that you are Favored, Not Forgotten.
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