Undiscovered Country, Volume 2: Unity

Undiscovered Country, Volume 2: Unity

The smash hit series written by New York Timesbestselling writers Scott Snyder (Wytches, AD: After Death) and Charles Soule(Curse Words, the forthcoming novel Anyone) with art by Giuseppe Camuncoli (TheAmazing Spider-Man, Darth Vader, Hellblazer), newcomer Leonardo Marcello Grassiand Eisner-award winning colorist Matt Wilson (The Wicked and the Divine, PaperGirls) continues! After barely escaping the deadly clutches of theDestiny Man, the expedition team has crossed over into the strange new zone of"Unity" -- a futuristic world of gleaming technology andartificial intelligence. But will it be a safe haven for our heroes, or are theydestined to be absorbed into hive mind?! Collects UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY#6-12
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Photo of Xavier Roy
Xavier Roy@xavierroy
3 stars
Jan 17, 2022