Dark Days: the Road to Metal

This is a collection of preludes of things to come in Dark Knights: Metal, which I'm total stoked to read. This however was a real mixed bag. I did enjoy the Road to Metal stories the Forge and the Casting, but the other back issues in this collection were a bit confusing out of context. These stories include FINAL CRISIS #6-7, THE RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE #1, plus (from the New 52 era) BATMAN #38-39, NIGHTWING #17 (current series). In short, most of this volume feels unnecessary and collects superfluous material. You could probably dive right into Dark Knights Metal and be fine.

This was ok. There's not actually a lot of metal content - it's actually only like the first 70 or so pages. This part is good and interesting. The rest is ok - but doesn't really give any insight into the metal timeline. Thanks to Netgalley and DC for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.