

Scott Snyder2019
"It's a mystery in space: Why would the Guardians of the Universe hide top-secret intel deep in the bowels of a secret vault on Thanagar Prime? The answers will change the DC Universe forever! The events of the Dark Nights: Metal and Justice League: No Justice have transformed the DC Universe in ways both wonderful and terrifying. Martian Manhunter, John Stewart and Hawkgirl avoided "Drowned Earth" with a detour to Thanagar-Prime: J'onn looks to tap into the ancient Martian mental database, Green Lantern struggles while practicing his new UV powers, and Kendra searches for answers about her connection to the Totality."--
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Photo of Sans
3 stars
Sep 11, 2021

I wonder, does Bruce ever feel bad about breaking the Source Wall? If he’d sat down and shut up when everyone told him to, none of this, from Metal forward, would have happened.