
I have read the entire series in 2 weeks and I love it. I'm so very sad that I finished it and I hope for a new one soon.

Sorry, but I can't forgive killing you-know-who at the end of the book

I absolutely love how Westerfeld "played" with this alternative history. Every course of action that his characters took (as well as the external historical actors) fit logically both with actual history and also with his steampunk twist. I have considered exploring alternative history in my own writing but have not attempted it. I'm not sure I would have the skill that Westerfeld obviously does, to craft a coherent, reasonable alternative. As to the novel itself, I got wrapped up in the storyline and even at the end of five hundred plus pages was not ready for it to end. I would love to read more in this universe. That being said, Westerfeld brought the overarching story of the trilogy to a fitting conclusion. I highly recommend this series.

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