
Pretties by Scott Westerfeld begins after Tally's had her operation. Her mind has been wiped of her days outside of society. She though has this nagging feeling that something has changed. When she's shown the letter she wrote to herself she's shocked at how much she's lost. At the same time, though, she's not sure she wants to go back. Just as Uglies showed what life was like in the Ugly town, Pretties spends a lot of time in the Pretty town. Unfortunately perfect people who are high on stuff and are suffering from a medically induced stupidity just aren't as interesting as scared teens who haven't been altered yet. Pretties is a pause in the action. It ends just as things are hotting up. Tally is once again interesting to the higher ups in her society. She might be useful to them and they might be useful to her. I will probably read the third installment, Specials but I'm not feeling as compelled to rush out and read it as I was after I finished Uglies.

for some reason I always remembered not liking this one as much as the other books but this time… zane saved it honestly ❤️

tw: self harm, use of word r*tarded I'm continuing my reread of the Uglies series. This one will have spoilers for Uglies so if you haven't read that book and don't want to be spoiled, I suggest you don't read this review. In this book, Tally is pretty but she isn't so sure being pretty is everything she thought it was gong to be. I love that Tally kept her “ugly” personality. It's one of the reasons why I liked Tally so much! The plot in this book was alright. It wasn't as riveting as Uglies. In this book, we basically get to experience Tally and Zane's journey into becoming bubbly (retaining that “ugly personalty). This was fine but I felt myself becoming a bit bored. I just wanted something to happen. I'll just keep this one short. I still love the series, don't worry. I just wants super into this one like I was with Uglies. I am still very excited to continue my journey.

I received the whole series of the Uglies books and was excited to read them. The first book was quite good but really slow at some points so I gave it 3 stars. I decided to continue with the series (I don’t like to DNF book sets) the second book though, I just could not get into. It was too slow and boring . And just like the first book, I cannot see what anyone is seeing in Tally! She comes across as selfish and is just such a Plain Jane, nothing special about her. I normally like a book with a flawed character but I’m furious at Tally as well for something she made her friend, Zane, do. Spoiler Below
When Tally’s old friend from the smoke Croy, comes to see her, he gives her two pills to cure her Pretty brain lesions. These pills may or may not work. If they do not work, she will be brain dead. So because she’s scared to take these pills, she makes her friend Zane take them with her. So not only could Tally end up brain dead but she’s putting her friend at risk too. The book tried to make it come across as romantic but it was really just manipulative and selfish. Imagine being the type of person who does that. What a saddo.

The second installment in this series started off with a pace that did not let up until the last word. The world becomes more twisted for Tally as once more she attempts to escape the clutches of the social norm and her fate of "being pretty-minded" to her dream of finding herself in The Smoke. The story sucks the reader in, making it impossible to put down. Raising more questions than it answers, you leave the book anxious for the next installment. This time around, Tally practices more care. Unfortunately for her, that is not good enough for Special Circumstances are constantly nipping at her heels. Her daring attempts to revitalize her lost self drags in most of her friends, a clique calling themselves "The Crims". Will Tally find peace with herself? Will she escape the clutches of the oppressive society she lives in? Can she truly hide from the watchful eye of Special Circumstances? Tally has gone from Ugly to Pretty, wait until you see what happens next. --Lady O

Honestly, I liked this one better than the first, probably because she wasn't complaining about how "ugly" she was. The only part I didn't like was the fact that the words "bogus", "bubbly", and "pretty-making" were on practically every single page.

3.5 stars

I really liked this book. My only negative feedback is the parallels to the first book just seemed to similar to me. You can guess how it's going to end pretty quickly

An okay story which was marred by the slang the author chose to use as "Pretties" language. Annoying, it's use seemed to overpower the story being told and as a result I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first one. Still, if one is willing to overlook this particular flaw, the journey of Tally Youngblood is an interesting one and I do recommend the book...to teenagers who most likely have a higher tolerance level for the slang.

** spoiler alert ** I liked this book, which I know is uncommon, but I also read it in 6th grade. I have not read it in a while, but I know I liked the plot, I was upset with how she ends up getting with someone else other than David, but I do like Zed? Idk if that is his name

Dioooooooos necesito el tercer libro YA! Es una historia superior chiva que hace recapacitar mucho sobre cosas que vivimos día a día pero una manera distinta.

Don't judge me, but the first time I have read Uglies, David was a character I didn't like at all, but I ended up having my mind completely changed about him. I honestly wanted more of him and Tally and I expected them to at least share a kiss (for the sake of my little fangirl soul). On the other hand, Zane was someone I didn't enjoy reading about as much as I thought I would, and his and Tally's relationship was really boring for me in some parts. Even though it was a good and fast read I more or less loved, dear mr. Westerfeld, you can't top Uglies with this sequel. I am really looking forward to the last book in this series (+ Extras).

I wish I’d not started this series. I feel like I can’t stop it since I own all the books, but I also don’t want to waste my time on them. Dull, boring and annoying. Totally not bubbly.

The first bit of the book was a little lack lustre for me. Ah patooey, same old dystopian story about a new race that is actually controlled by a higher race, and the new race or type of people have their senses dulled. The story picked up towards the end and I must say I am looking forward to the next book. Ha ha.

Disclaimer: I bought this book. Support your authors! Book Series: Uglies Book 2 Rating: 5/5 Publication Date: November 1, 2005 Genre: YA Dystopian Recommended Age: 14+ (some violence, some gore, fighting the government, TW: intentional starvation, TW: cutting) Publisher: Simon Pulse Pages: 370 Amazon Link Synopsis: Gorgeous. Popular. Perfect. Perfectly wrong. Tally has finally become pretty. Now her looks are beyond perfect, her clothes are awesome, her boyfriend is totally hot, and she's completely popular. It's everything she's ever wanted. But beneath all the fun -- the nonstop parties, the high-tech luxury, the total freedom -- is a nagging sense that something's wrong. Something important. Then a message from Tally's ugly past arrives. Reading it, Tally remembers what's wrong with pretty life, and the fun stops cold. Now she has to choose between fighting to forget what she knows and fighting for her life -- because the authorities don't intend to let anyone with this information survive. Review: Again, so many childhood memories! I loved this book and I loved how Scott hammers in the dangers of the beauty industry, how it can metaphorically lead to bulimia, anorexia, and self harm. I thought the characters were very well developed, that the plot was interesting, and the book was well written. However, I do feel like the book could have been slower in pacing and that while I get the point of including the self harm and starvation, if it’s not cautioned against and not seen in that metaphorical sense, then it can possibly encourage younger children to do it. I also felt that the climax was way too late in the book. Verdict: I still love this series.

This review was originally posted on Caity Reads. Just like the first novel in the Uglies series, I loved this! I thought it was a great read with interesting characters, it was fast paced, and it was nothing that I expected. Now keep in mind that I have actually read this book before. It’s been about seven years and I didn’t remember most of it. I remembered some of the ending and some other smaller things but for the most part I did not remember most of this book. So it was almost like reading a book for the first time. I did have a few small problems with this. I originally had rated this with five stars but as I reflected more on it today, I decided it didn’t quite meet that five star mark for me. That’s not to say that I did not enjoy it, because I did. But the ending felt a little repetitive to me. I will definitely be picking up the sequel but I would really rather it wasn’t a repeat of this novel and that’s kind of the feeling I got from the ending of this book. I really liked Tally’s character again in this novel. Pretties begins almost immediately after Uglies ends and for me I thought that worked perfectly. With some small memory issues, a little different personality, and a new face, we had Tally back. Tally struggles a lot through the beginning of this novel because something doesn’t quite feel right and for those of you who read the first book you will know why. We are also introduced to a few new characters. The biggest of which is Tally’s boyfriend Zane. Zane is a very conflicting character for me because while I really like him and Tally together; I also really like David and Tally together. For a fairly good portion of the book I wasn’t entirely sure why his character had been added to the book as a love interest for Tally because it becomes more evident toward the end of the book. I think their relationship was a good way to show what time and space can do to people. Shay was just as frustrating for me in this second book as she was in the first. One thing that I definitely appreciate about the first two books of this series is that Westerfeld did a very good job of covering issues that teens face on a regular basis. He’s not entirely straight forward about it, you do have to look between the lines slightly. But I enjoy the things that he’s hinting at. For example, how superficial society is. Image, or being “pretty”, is something that is important to a lot of teens. I’m not saying it’s important to all people, but it is a huge part of our society; even if it shouldn’t be. Also that it’s easy to take the easy way out instead of doing something that say may make you think, or may change you. It didn’t surprise me at all when Peris took the easy way out. It was a good representation of what a good portion of society would do. They would give up anything to be “pretty”, desirable, and not have to worry about anything. Overall, I really enjoyed the second installment of the Uglies series and would definitely recommend picking it up if you liked the first book.

Tally é uma jovem perfeita. Tudo o que a rodeia é perfeito. Mas por mais álcool que beba e por mais festas que frequente, ela não consegue afastar aquela sensação de vazio. As imagens de uma vida menos perfeita insistem em insurgir-se na sua mente. Naquele ambiente perfeito, Tally escolhe associar-se ao grupo mais importante da cidade e ao fazê-lo descobre que a “moda” é uma forma de rebelião e que o seu líder é alguém que luta para reaver as suas lembranças da vida pré-operação. A fuga da cidade torna-se o objectivo de Tally, arrastando consigo Zane, em busca das memórias que lhe foram retiradas pela operação que a transformara em perfeita. ........ Scott continua a surpreender. Quando pensamos: quanto mais pode ele inovar quando escreve sobre jovens e os estigmas da beleza? Muito mais. A sua crítica social aos estereótipos de beleza da sociedade, e da sempre associada ‘beleza = burrice’, continua como tema fulcral de “Perfeitos”, o segundo livro da série “Uglies”. Assim como a abordagem da permanente insatisfação do Homem, mesmo quando tudo se afigura como perfeito à sua volta. A ocupação do meio ambiente que nos rodeia, a forma como exploramos recursos e as experiências sociais (não consentidas) que são relatadas no decorrer da história, colocam questões como qual o nosso peso sob o meio ambiente que nos rodeia, e a rectidão moral que nos leva a acreditar que uma acção é correcta, em detrimento de outra. Estes podem ser designados como livros para jovens adultos, mas são muito mais do que isso. São, claramente, uma lição a absorver e uma reflexão que precisamos de fazer. http://sarinhafarinha.wordpress.com/2...

Trigger warnings: (view spoiler)[ableist slurs, self-harm, disordered eating (hide spoiler)] (#1) Uglies ★★★☆☆ (#2) Pretties ★★★☆☆ (#3) Specials ★★☆☆☆ (#4) Extras ★★☆☆☆ For some reason, when I reread series I only ever remember the first book. Which may be the reason why I enjoyed this more than Uglies on the reread. “Left alone, human beings are a plague. They multiply relentlessly, consuming every resource, destroying everything they touch.” Tally is immersed into the world of the Pretties, Peris is reintroduced into the story (but let's be real, he doesn't really add ANYTHING to the plot), and Shay is back with so many more issues (although kinda rightfully so). Okay, so rereading this one I realize that, had I read this book NOW without the joy of reminiscent attached I would probably find the characters wildly infuriating. Because they really kind of are. The only exception, in my mind, is Zane. I know that a lot of people think that David is the superior ship in this series, but Zane will have my heart. “At least one thing was consistent about her life: It just kept on getting more complicated.” While there is very little character development in this book, the plot development is present. The second book in this series really expands on the world building, which is something I always love. From the new setting within Pretty Town (which frankly, isn't wildly exciting) and the discovery of a non-Smoky settlement outside of civilization, there is a lot of stuff to explore. The pacing was a tad bit slower than I would have liked and I would have loved if not so much of the story was based in Pretty Town. But the reminiscence and the new settings carried me through to the much faster paced ending. blog • trigger warning database • more links Happy reading! ❤

So, unlike the first book in the trilogy, this did not live up to my fond memories of it. I think the main problem is the plot. Second instalments of trilogies often seem a bit difficult, and this isn't the first time I've read one where there's a giant disconnect between the first half and the second, such that it seems really jarring. That's exactly what happens here. The first half is about Tally's new life as a pretty, and struggling against it – and then the second half is practically the first book redux. Only, this time around (view spoiler)[she meets a "primitive tribe" which seems to serve purely as a vehicle for Westerfeld to ruminate on the violence and self-destructiveness he sees as inherent to human nature (hide spoiler)]. As I recall, the first book could be preachy too, but this one is even preachier. Tally is suddenly full of exposition and philosophical ramblings, and it's just... well, it doesn't appeal very much. The conclusion of this book is literally a re-run of the conclusion to the last book. I just don't think we, as the reader, made a lot of progress. I also didn't care much at all for the love triangle, and I thought it was absurd that kissing Zane, and falling in love with Zane should improve Tally's clarity of thought. That makes no sense. But really, nothing about the brain damage inflicted on pretties nor the cure makes any sense, and I preferred the last book which didn't spend so much time dwelling on this nonsensical cure. I'd also have liked to have seen more on the dynamic between Tally and Shay, and the sense of betrayal that Shay has every right to feel, honestly. Then the end of the book was far too rushed – considering that the romantic subplot about Tally and David was so central to the last book, (view spoiler)[in this one they reunite and break up again in what, thirty pages? and she's excessively nasty to him too? (hide spoiler)] WHAT IS THIS. Maybe more time should have been spent on this, and less on camping in the woods. So while it saddens me to give this book such a low star rating, I can't really justify giving it any higher. It was a fast read, which made it a nice change, but it just didn't hold up for me.

This review also appears on my blog in an Uglies series review here! Pretties was always my least favourite book in this series. I like David way more than Zane, I hated when Tally was pretty, and Shay annoyed me way more in this than she did in Uglies. None of this has changed, and to be honest I didn't expect to have much of an opinion this time around because it wasn't particularly high last time. One thing I did notice straight away though was that in the scene where Tally and Zane first hang out together and have a picnic, Zane becomes scarily close to forcing Tally into doing things she doesn't want to do just to stay bubbly. This time around, I was so not into that manipulation. Also, I still don't know how I feel about the whole reservation plotline and I can't tell if it's racist or just pointing out the extreme flaws of the society and how the Specials treat people? A lot of this book is really slow and that's definitely why I don't like it as much. It only really becomes interesting once Tally jumps from the balloon to escape the city. It still frustrates me when Tally decides to stay with Zane instead of escaping with David and the New Smokies. One thing I will say though is that I really like the plotline of Shay becoming a special Special, but that could also be because Specials was my favourite out of all three books. I guess we'll see when I finish that one again! Still giving Pretties four stars though because it's still this world and I still love that (but more David, please).