

Just before their sixteenth birthdays, when they will will be transformed into beauties whose only job is to have a great time, Tally's best friend runs away and Tally must find her and turn her in, or never become pretty at all.
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Photo of Kellie Davis
Kellie Davis@kelliedavis
3 stars
Jul 8, 2024

This series was pretty good. Very different from my normal reads. It's great for a quick read. I really liked the idea behind the story.

Photo of Jordan
3 stars
Jun 16, 2024

Annoying main character because she’s so deep in the brainwashing but a very interesting divergent-esque dystopia. Could care less for the thrown in romance that felt rushed and unbelievable just to make the two friends at odds.

Photo of Monicap
2 stars
Apr 29, 2024

Okay, first off, there WAS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE PRETTIES AND THE UGLIES. the problem with anime/manga artwork styles, I think, Is that everyone is PRETTY. so while Shay was complaining about being ugly, I was like "What are you talking about?!? You're not ugly at all!" especially since there was one character we saw as an ugly and then as a pretty and (this may just be me) I thought he was more attractive as an ugly. also, I felt there should've been more to the story, but, then again, I'm used to novels with narration and all that good stuff. a comic book is just dialogue and pictures. basic point is, I thought i would enjoy this book more than I did and I'm disappointed.

Photo of Doreen Zhao
Doreen Zhao@polars3ltzer
3 stars
Jan 15, 2024


Photo of Bianca Layog
Bianca Layog@biancs
5 stars
Jan 9, 2024

One of the best sci-fi novels I've ever read. Kept me on my toes. Scott Westerfeld sure knows how to make a story come alive. Would recommend this book to people of all ages.

Photo of Macy Johnson
Macy Johnson@lunalovegoodreads
4 stars
Dec 4, 2023

this was a really fascinating dystopian and I liked the way that the idea of beauty was manipulated and twisted around in cool ways that shed light on our society's values.

Photo of Korinna R
Korinna R@plumpkin_x
5 stars
Aug 2, 2023

I read these in junior high I think. I was obsessed with them. One of those series I wish I could completely forget and read all over again for the first time. I wanted so badly to be a part of this world. I've always had a thing for dystopian utopia type situations. Those are always the best stories to me.

Photo of Ayesha ahmed
Ayesha ahmed@ayeshaa
2 stars
Jun 20, 2023

It did not really grab my attention to the point where I'd buy it's sequel.

Photo of Lacy W
Lacy W@aravenclawlibrary
4 stars
Feb 22, 2023

a super special thank you goes to Destiny over at Howling Libraries for sending me this. I am forever grateful and thankful to you and your friendship! I love this book. Just absolutely love it. This was another book I read in high school and I devoured the series like crazy. Lucky for me, I don’t remember must about it so it was like reading it for the first time. I stayed up far too late reading this book and paid the price for it quite a few evenings. Tally is one of my favorite MCs. I appreciated everything about her because she reminded me of a regular teenager. She is very concerned about how she looks. Her entire self esteem is based on her looks, which is common in this world because when you turn 16, you have an operation to turn pretty. All Tally's life, she has been conditioned to think she is ugly. Reminds me of society today. Teens, especially girls, are conditioned to think we are ugly unless we have big bobs, skinny waists, etc. It's so sad and reading how much stock Tally put into herself and her looks broke my heart. Every single one of us is beautiful. Never forget that. This is a pretty classic dystopian. Government is supposedly alright but is actually shady. What keeps it from becoming stale is the concept of the pretty/uglies. It's a concept I haven't seen since and I read quite a bit of dystopian. Overall, just check this series out. I don't want to spoil anymore of it for you guys. I want all of you to experience this series that is so near and dear to my heart. There is a new book that is a part of this world (that I need to get my hands on). If you enjoy a good classic dystopian, this is the book for you.

Photo of Selina
Selina @selenium
3 stars
Feb 9, 2023

I really liked the story line of this book. I also liked how this book reflected what could become our society in a few hundred years. The reason I’m giving it only 3 stars is because of how slow some of it was. I will definitely continue with the rest of the series.

Photo of Jeannette Ordas
Jeannette Ordas@kickpleat
3 stars
Jan 5, 2023

It would have been nice to get sucked into a gripping story, but this book wasn't it. It took me until I was halfway through to start to find this dystopian world interesting and a true page-turner. I don't think I'll read the rest of the series.

Photo of sam
3 stars
Dec 15, 2022

I found the concept and cover interesting. The first sentence of the first page was: "The early summer sky was the color of cat vomit." ~ That was when I was hooked.

Photo of Izza
3 stars
Dec 9, 2022

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld is a dystopian novel for young adults. I went into this book with high expectations, and to my surprise I wasn’t too disappointed! Tally is a few months away from turning sixteen and she cannot wait. Not only will she finally be reunited with her best friend Peris, but she will finally get to be pretty. In her world, everyone undergoes surgery at the age of sixteen and they can move to New Pretty Town. In this part of the city, everyone is always having fun and they all look stunning. Everybody is the same and everybody is happy, but at what cost? This was my first book by Scott Westerfeld, so I didn’t have anything to compare Uglies with. I had heard a lot of good things about the book (a lot of booktubers also raved about it) and I decided it was time I picked it up to see what it was all about. Full review over @ The Hungry Bookster

Photo of Jacalyn Boggs
Jacalyn Boggs@ladyozma
5 stars
Dec 8, 2022

In a world filled with breathtaking beauty, what is there for a normal person? Set several hundred years after a major shift in life as we know it, the world hides from nature in large cities segregated into two major factions. Uglies and Pretties, the names speak for themselves. Around the time of puberty, children set off for Uglyville to continue their education as well as await the blessed day they turn 16. No longer does this bring coming of age things we know like driving or dating. At sixteen you get initiated into the Pretties, leaving your ugly self behind forever. A series of operations intended to not only make you beautiful, but to also bring everyone into the visual norm. No differences to set people apart means no differences to make people feel superior or inferior to others. The society at large seems pampered in their lifestyle. Uglies have their needs met, Pretties give the appearance of vapid lives of ease. However pretty the world seems from the outside, though, there is an ugliness hidden just below the surface. Follow the story of Tally, an Ugly anxiously awaiting her sixteenth birthday so she can join the ranks of the Pretties in New Pretty Town. Her friend runs away, spurning the usual desired Pretty lifestyle. Tally, given an ultimatium, sets off to find her friend lest she suffer the worst punishment the society could inflict... left ugly forever. The first in a series of novels for young adults, this sets the way we look at things on its head. Causes one to reflect on the way we treat the world around us, our own dependence on technology, the way society views one another, and the lengths people will go to maintain the status quo. The author channels George Orwell and Ray Bradbury in a Judy Blume-esque book quite well. You take aspects from a Twilight Zone episode and mix in a little 1984 and just about any Bradbury book I can think of and you get yourself Uglies. Best of all, the social commentary follows a vein that not only speaks to youth in a way they relate, it also takes on the question of beauty which is so hot right now. Shows like What Not To Wear and Extreme Makeover combined with America's Next Top Model along with websites like Hot or Not glorify the shallowness of a person's physical beauty. I once heard a quote, "Be your own kind of beautiful", that goes against the grain of modern society. In the society created within the pages of Uglies, the last thing desirable is a person to find their own inner beauty or uniqueness. Engaging and quick to read, the story grips at your heart. Especially good for teens suffering through the pains of adolescence where so much of the world around them focuses on Uglies and Pretties, I highly recommend this book to all.

Photo of Abrianna
2 stars
Oct 30, 2022

Ok so I have tried this book so many times. Like and insane amount of times. Almost Every time, I got 3/4 of the way and stopped because of boredom. This is a great concept and I like some of the characters, but the writing made it seem longer than it really is, taking me a month when I fly through books way faster. I will not be continuing this series but I did not completely hate this one.

Photo of Ofelia
2 stars
Sep 11, 2022

** spoiler alert ** Così finalmente il tuo desiderio sarà esaudito. Non credo che andrò avanti a leggere questa trilogia, non mi ha affascinato particolarmente fin dalle prime pagine ad essere onesta. L'idea di base c'è e secondo me non è neanche male, il problema è come è portata avanti. Tally di per sè è un altro problema completamente diverso. Io tendo ad immedesimarmi tantissimo con i protagonisti delle storie, che la cosa mi piaccia oppure no. Ad esempio posso trovare incredibilmente antipatica una protagonista, può darmi fastidio come parla, come si comporta, più o meno tutto ma comunque finirò per immedesimarmi lo stesso per tutta la durata del libro e magari riprendere ad odiarla una volta letta l'ultima pagina. Il problema con Tally è proprio questo, perché Tally parte come un personaggio debole e ancora peggio è una traditrice. Non dico che il suo personaggio non si evolva durante la storia, parte da debole, che desidera solo essere perfetta e invece diventa un personaggio molto migliore nel finale. Resta il fatto però che il suo cambiamento è dovuto prima di tutto alla paura che il suo cervello sia veramente mandato in pappa dall'operazione, e poi anche dal fatto che si innamora di David. Senza David cosa sarebbe diventata lei? La storia poi si evolve in maniera davvero troppo lenta, e con l'unica eccezione del vero e proprio finale tutto il resto era facilmente prevedibile. Diciamo subito, chi avrebbe tirato il congegno nel fuoco a parte Tally? insomma, lo vuoi distruggere? Bene, appena arrivata su Fumo ti hanno giusto trovato una cimice addosso e l'hanno attaccata ad un povero pennuto di passaggio così che quello se la portasse a spasso chissà dove e allora come mai non sei abbastanza furba da fare lo stesso? Il modo di scrivere di Scott Westerfeld non mi dispiace, ovviamente è uno young adult quindi è la storia che conta e non il modo di scrivere del suo scrittore e non posso aspettarmi miracoli. Di lui avevo già letto i Diari della Mezzanotte e comunque non mi ha delusa, almeno non nel modo di scrivere ma nella storia in generale sinceramente io non ho trovato niente di speciale. Mi ha lasciata insoddisfatta diciamo, neanche troppo incuriosita di sapere come andrà a finire la storia di Tally, cosa che non mi aspettavo proprio succedesse.

Photo of Ashley Wendt
Ashley Wendt@undertheasktra
3 stars
Sep 6, 2022

I think the commentary on how societal beauty standards is interesting if somewhat interesting. However, as most dystopian written at the height of its craze goes, it is still very formulaic.

Photo of Julie Janis
Julie Janis@juliejanisbooks
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022

Really interesting read! It would be scary to live in a society like theirs, but it was very engaging to read about how their government works and being anxious to know what was going to happen next!

Photo of Irene Alegre
Irene Alegre@irenealegre
2 stars
Aug 15, 2022

Ok, so... there are four books (I think it's a trilogy plus some extra novel). I don't have it in me to go through the entire series. The writing is just not good enough. Overall, the idea was good but it could have been done much better. The plot is a bit confusing, or maybe the sequence of actions is. Either way, I think it needed some revision before printing, but oh well.

Photo of annie
4 stars
Aug 13, 2022

Stuck between 3.5 and 3.75 stars— I re-read this because it was one of my favorites in middle school. You can tell by the writing that it’s written for young readers (esp. tweens) so sometimes I couldn’t help but laugh at the word choice and dialogue. But it was still a fun read— the premise and world-building were interesting, elaborate, and thought-provoking.

Photo of Callie Anna
Callie Anna@callieanna
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

It got better. I wasn't expecting it to be phenomenal, and it wasn't, but it had good qualities! I also liked how it dealt with the past, as it was dystopian.

Photo of Leigh Osborne
Leigh Osborne@auty
3 stars
May 26, 2022


Photo of Emma Motze
Emma Motze@ejmotze
3 stars
Apr 24, 2022

I don't quite remember this series, I read it years ago. I know that this was my favorite book out of the series, the rest just seemed like it was thrown together quite fast. I did enjoy the series, but it was not one of my favorites

Photo of ✨Tyler ✨
✨Tyler ✨@timecompactor
3 stars
Mar 17, 2022

extra star bc i enjoyed emily tremaine's narration a lot otherwise i probably would have dnf-ed this. i wanted to like this more than i did.


Photo of Jordan

The early summer sky was the color of cat vomit.

Page 1

What a crazy first line.