Sea Wife

Sea Wife

Amity Gaige2020
"Sea Wife is a gripping tale of survival at sea--but that's just the beginning. Amity Gaige also manages, before she's done, to probe the underpinnings of romantic love, marriage, literary ambition, political inclinations in the Trump age, parenthood, and finally, the nature of survival itself in our broken world. Gaige is thrillingly talented, and her novel enchants." --Jennifer Egan "Sea Wife brilliantly breathes life not only into the perils of living at sea, but also into the fraught and hidden dangers of domesticity, motherhood, and marriage. What a smart, swift, and thrilling novel." --Lauren Groff From the highly acclaimed author of Schroder, a smart, sophisticated page literary page-turner about a young family who escape suburbia for a yearlong sailing trip that upends all of their lives. Juliet is failing to juggle motherhood and her stalled-out dissertation on confessional poetry when her husband, Michael, informs her that he wants to leave his job and buy a sailboat. With their two kids--Sybil, age seven, and George, age two--Juliet and Michael set off for Panama, where their forty-four foot sailboat awaits them. The initial result is transformative; the marriage is given a gust of energy, Juliet emerges from her depression, and the children quickly embrace the joys of being feral children at sea. Despite the stresses of being novice sailors, the family learns to crew the boat together on the ever-changing sea. The vast horizons and isolated islands offer Juliet and Michael reprieve - until they are tested by the unforeseen. Sea Wife is told in gripping dual perspectives: Juliet's first person narration, after the journey, as she struggles to come to terms with the life-changing events that unfolded at sea, and Michael's captain's log, which provides a riveting, slow-motion account of these same inexorable events, a dialogue that reveals the fault lines created by personal history and political divisions. Sea Wife is a transporting novel about marriage, family and love in a time of unprecedented turmoil. It is unforgettable in its power and astonishingly perceptive in its portrayal of optimism, disillusionment, and survival.
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Photo of Ryan Mateyk
Ryan Mateyk@the_rybrary
3 stars
Jul 4, 2024

I was all in to take my own sailboat voyage at first but unfortunately this fell apart and sunk (hehe) by the end for me.

Photo of Sonia Grgas
Sonia Grgas@sg911911
5 stars
Feb 23, 2024

This is the story about a husband and wife with two small children who buy a sailing yacht and take a year off to sail the Caribbean. Just some of the reasons I loved reading this book: • three-dimensional characters who were likable despite their flaws • a family dynamic that unfolded slowly and felt authentic • a suspenseful plot that I couldn’t predict and that kept me interested without making me too anxious • a story told at the perfect pace • sea voyage is a subject that I’ve always been drawn to in both fiction and nonfiction Very satisfying!

Photo of Celeste Richardson
Celeste Richardson@cecereadsandsings
5 stars
Aug 11, 2022

Actual rating: 4.5 stars, rounded up. “Where does a mistake begin?” This is the opening line of Amity Gaige’s newest novel, Sea Wife. We know from the very beginning that something terrible has happened. We just don’t know the specifics of what or how. The story is told largely from two perspectives: Juliet in the present and her husband, Michael, in the past through the captain’s log he kept during their sailing year. There are a few different mysteries woven through the plot, but I felt that the story largely centers around what makes a marriage, and what ends one. Sea Wife is a deep, beautifully written novel with enough pace to the plot to maintain investment while also discussing timeless topics in fresh ways. “Tears or sweat—so many stories end in salt water.” Michael is determined to take his family on a year-long sailing trip, to get away from modern American life and consumer culture and just live life to the very fullest. Juliet is struggling: as a mother, as a wife, as a doctoral candidate, and a human being. And Michael believes with his whole being that this trip could be exactly what Juliet needs to combat her depression. Juliet acquiesces and, for better or worse, the couple and their two young children embark on the experience of a lifetime. “Everyone is hard to love, if you do it for long enough.” So many difficult topics are addressed within this novel. How a difference in political opinion and worldview can put incredible strain on a marriage. How trauma never goes away, no matter how many years you put between it and yourself. How kids are so much more resilient and brave and hardy than we often give them credit for. How just because loving someone becomes difficult doesn’t mean that it’s not worth the struggle. There are no easy answers, and Gaige doesn’t even try to put forth any. Instead, she captures the importance of questioning, and how vital a role said questioning plays in an individual’s mental health and in the longevity of any relationship. “Because love is tidal; it goes out, it comes in, it goes out.” The rare inclusions of a third perspective, their daughter Sybil’s, were jarring but sweet. She brought an added innocence to the novel. It’s easy to present a precocious child as selfish or obnoxious or glib, but Gaige fleshes Sybil out just as thoroughly as she does Juliet and Michael. Smart but kind, creative but observant, Sybil ended up being my favorite character, though I loved them all. “…children grow by inches and the rest of us inch toward the end.” Things get very meta as the plot progresses and we see Juliet’s interaction with Michael’s logbook. I love the framework of a book within a book, and this was a very different usage of that trope. However, it took me a bit to adjust to the (very abrupt) transitions between perspectives. Until I found the book’s rhythm, each transition was repeated whiplash. This is a case where having access to the audiobook is very helpful, as each perspective is voiced by a different person. I simultaneously read this book via audio and ebook, and that combination made for an incredibly immersive experience. “Our losses will never be done with us. They have endless patience.” Gaige did a great job presenting both sides of this political war between spouses. Both arguments were perfectly rational within the minds that housed them, so much so that the opposite party had no room in said mind for the other person’s argument. That’s why they could never understand one another: there was no room for understanding. This vast schism between their worldviews made for a lot of added tension, both in the novel and in the marriage it presented. “It’s true—history is written by the victors. That’s why we need poets. To sing of the defeats.” I love what Gaige has to say about poetry specifically and art as a whole through Juliet. These are the passages that resonated the most deeply with me. Juliet’s relationship with poetry, how it served as both solace and accuser, is fascinating. That’s a similar relationship to the one I have with art, specifically music. Art is both a window and a mirror, and Gaige demonstrated that beautifully. “I think you love your pain. It’s your poetry.” Sea Wife is insanely well written. The hardest thing I’ve done all week was narrowing down the dozens upon dozens of passages I highlighted into a manageable amount to include in this review. Gaige has a gorgeous way of describing things, both tangible objects and intangible ideas, both nature and human nature. But yet again, this is another in the slew of new releases that seems morally opposed to the use of quotation marks. I can understand it in a way, as we’re getting the story from the minds of those who endured it, but it still throws me off. I don’t want quotation marks to go out of style. I like quotation marks, dang it. “Fair, what a useless word. A concept that is relevant only in the rare moments when there is no greater danger than unfairness.” The only other element I want to mention is the abundance of nautical terminology. I know some people have a difficult time connecting to stories that rely on jargon. That’s not this book. While plenty of such terms are present, they in no way hinder a nautically ignorant reader from sinking into the story. However, if you’re not a fan of ships as a setting, this one might not be for you. “The wind laughed. But the sea and I, we howled.” I found Sea Wife to be a thoughtful, intriguing, haunting novel with a captivating setting. I’d recommend this book to pretty much any reader, especially those who gravitate towards thoughtful prose and quiet, small-scale stories that act as a microcosm through which to view the world at large. You can find this review and more at Novel Notions.

Photo of thb
5 stars
Aug 12, 2022
Photo of Kay Sutherland
Kay Sutherland@kaysutherland
4 stars
Jul 5, 2024
Photo of Sara Sunshine
Sara Sunshine@sarasunsh
2 stars
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Melissa Railey@melrailey
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Abby N. Lewis@abbynlewis
5 stars
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5 stars
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Kevan Lee@kevanlee
5 stars
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