Avengers Origins Scarlet Witch Et Quicksilver

I liked being able to see where they really came from because the movie really didn't fill that part in. I completely understand why since there were a lot of new characters introduced but still, it was nice to see the real origins of these two. I'm sad they couldn't find a place to fit in with any of the mutants but am glad that they found a place amongst the Avengers. They do not want to hurt with their powers, they only want to do good. Really good story and pretty awesome characters that I want to see more of.

"All we'll ever need is each other. Absolutely, that's true, my dear brother." nO, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I'M CRYING. We don't get enough Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver content in comics (and don't get me started on the movies 😭 because I will never stop talking about it) and this was really cute and amazing. Wanda and Pietro are two of my favorite characters of all the marvel comics. I love Pietro Maximoff with my entire life, and I'd wish that the MCU would have given Aaron Taylor-Johnson more time on screen as Pietro (his costume was fucking amazing there) and I will never forgive the MCU for that. I liked X-Men's Pietro but not as much as Aaron's Pietro. He would have been fucking superior if he had lived more. (Also, what they did in Wandavision was a big ass waste for me, iT COULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING AWESOME, BUT Y'ALL ARE AFRAID OF SUCCESS, I CAN SEE IT) Anyways, on Sunday I'll go to watch Multiverse of Madness and y'all don't know how hyped I am to go and see Wanda making chaos... I'm hyped af. That's my only motivation of the week. Pietro my fave boy ever and Wanda my queen <3

This book appears on the shelf read-2019