
Christian Behind Barres

Christian White is the kind of boy most teenage girls dream of - gorgeous, mysterious and angry with the world. Christian likes to push his body to the max; the greater the risk, the more it interests him. Before his mother died, she made Christian promise that he'd audition for the National Academy of Dance. Christian kept his promise but never said he'd go if he got in. Instead, he ignores his letter of acceptance and continues to hang out with his fellow adrenaline-seeking mates. One night, Christian ends up in serious trouble with the police. Kicked out by his foster family, he arrives at the Academy not because he wants to be there but because he has no place else to go... For a long time Christian remains a bit of a mystery. What isn't in question is his dancing ability. But while some of the girls swoon over Christian's bad boy image, Tara finds him unbearable. Down-to-earth one moment, moody and aloof the next, Christian is the most infuriating boy she knows! As the year progresses Christian lets down his defences, revealing a complicated person underneath. It's a turbulent journey but slowly he begins to trust people again. And, gradually, Christian and Tara discover that love and hate can be two sides of the same coin. Begins on ABC1at 5.30 pm on Monday 31 May and screens every week day until 5 July. Then screens on ABC3 at 3.40 pm on 6 June, screening double episodes every Sunday through to end August
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