Second Chance Charmer A Second Chance Small Town Romance

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. After a year with no new Brighton Walsh books (though I loved her London Hale releases!), I was thrilled to learn she was releasing a new book early in 2018. I read it pretty much as soon as I got my hot little hands on it. (I just, uh, sucked at getting it reviewed. Are you sensing a theme?) I totally adored Finlow and the southern, small town setting totally worked for me. I can always count on Brighton to bring the heat and the swoons — and I know she'll always leave me with a happy ending and very little angst along the way — and Second Chance Charmer was no exception. Of course, I'm a total sucker for a second chance romance, so it was pretty much a foregone conclusion I'd fall in love with this book. I did. 1000%. Finn and Willow had a complicated past, but there was no doubt they were meant to be. Without spoiling anything, oh did he pine for her while they were apart. *swoons all over the place* This book just flat out made my heart happy. It was the perfect combination of swoons and super sexy times. Finlow FTW! I received a complimentary copy of this book for review consideration. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. FAVORITE QUOTES "Stop lookin' at me like that, or I'm gonna start thinkin' you want more than you're saying." "Seems to me you might need a little reminder to fly." And every year on her birthday—the same day they'd gotten tattoos in the first place—he went and got another root added at the bottom of the tree. He might've spent his years being thousands of miles away from her, but she'd been stamped on his heart—and his body—forever, her very essence permeating down to his bones.