Seduce me at sunrise

Seduce me at sunrise

Kev Merripen has secretly longed for the beautiful, well-bred Winnifred Hathaway ever since her family rescued him from the brink of death. Now a charming, ruthless suitor has his sights set on Win, and Kev must confront a grave secret about his past--or lose the only woman he's ever lived for.
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Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023

When Stranger's Marry, is the updated version of Only In Your Arms. Its been a very long time since I have had the chance to read this one, since I read it many years ago, so it was good to re read it again. There were many things that I found that I just loved about this book. I think one of the many things, is that even though on the surface Lysette seems naive and young, she has great strength and courage, and knows that even though Max is hiding things from her, she still has faith in him, which is remarkable from the way they interact with each other in the beginning of the story. As the story line progresses though we see how good Max and Lysette are for each other. Max is very ALPHA, to the extreme at times, but also has a protective and gentle nature toward Lysette as well. It was good to see how the plot started to unravel, with its ups and downs, twists and turns, that could make one dizzy at times. Overall I really enjoyed this one, I think the flow could have been a little more smoother but other than that I really enjoyed reading this. Its one of those type books, that you can just immerse yourself in, sit before a fire or on the beach, and enjoy the ride.Seduce Me At Sunrise is the second installment in the Hathaway series by Lisa Kleypas. From the first book in the series, we see and ache for Win, for suffering as she does. I just have loved Kev and Win, and loved reading their story, so achingly sweet yet a tormenting side to the story as well. Kev is a man that is haunted by his past and has suffered much and doesn't reveal his true self to Win, knowing that she could never accept him. But Win is strong and spirited and fights for those that she loves, even stubborn and pig headed Rom's. There were parts of this story that made me cry, and parts that made me laugh, and was a entertaining story to say the least. It stole my heart from the first chapter!!! AN UNFORGETTABLE STORY!!!! My Favorite Quote What if this were the last moment you ever had with me? Wouldn't you have been sorry not to tell me how you felt? Wouldn't you--" Merripen covered her mouth with his, desperate for a way to make her quiet. His arms went around her, wrapping her in his vast strength, holding her against the hardness of his body. And then everything ignited, and they were both lost in a furor of need.

Photo of Preye
4 stars
Apr 29, 2022

I loved this!!! Winifred and Kevin (Win and Kev) are perfect and just as I predicted, this was slow-burn at its finest. The mutual yearning and explosive chemistry between the two leads was captivating. Full review to come.

Photo of Jaclyn
5 stars
Apr 24, 2022

I just ADORE anything that Lisa Kleypas writes and I’ve fallen in love with the Hathaway’s!!! I LOVED the angst and the drama even though I wanted to shake Kev half the time, I loved the push and pull because when these two finally get together it’s magical. And the STEAMINESS! Kev is SO INTENSE and I loved watching him come to his senses with Win. I really liked Win as well! I loved how strong she became and how she fought to live the life that she wanted. Plus she has an extremely badass moment that had me cracking up. The Hathaway’s are such a fun family and I loved Beatrix with Dodger and Leo!! I LOVE LEO! And I’m shipping and him and Miss Marks super hard, I can’t wait for that book!! So excited to keep going with this series!

Photo of Helena Cristina Nogueira Pereira
Helena Cristina Nogueira Pereira@helenanogueira99
4 stars
Oct 8, 2021

3.5 stars!

Photo of Kim
5 stars
Oct 6, 2021

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. Seduce Me at Sunrise might be another Lisa Kleypas book with a Gypsy hero, but it really couldn't have felt more different than Mine Till Midnight. I loved them both equally, in different ways though. Because of how Merripen (Kev) and Winnifred (Win) acted around each other in the first book in this series, I was already half in love with the idea of them before I even started this book. But this one wasn't for the faint at heart. There was A LOT of back and forth in this as Kev tried to reconcile his past and the things he'd done with the amount and intensity of feelings he felt for Win. It never got to be too much for me, but it danced kinda close to that line at times, especially when Kev was willing to push her into the eager arms of another man. I suspected neither she nor her meddlesome family would abide that, so I didn't get too worked up about it. I did, however, get a pretty hefty dose of feels as I read though. Kev and Cam shared a lot of similar qualities, but Kev took everything to the extreme. He was SERIOUSLY intense. And especially so in his feelings towards Win. His thoughts and, even sometimes the things he said to her, were so passionate I had to go back and read a couple times to take it all in. He was closed off at times, but when he was open with his feelings? Amazing. I've not read about a guy like him in a long time. Even though he could be a right ass at times, I loved him and couldn't get enough of his character or the growth he had along the way. Win was so much stronger than I initially gave her credit for. When we met her in Mine Till Midnight, she was frail after a long illness. She nor her family had great hopes that she would live a long, full life. Well, after her treatments, she's a changed woman. In more ways than just with regards to her health. She knows what she wants. (Kev. Marriage. A family.) She's determined to get all three. I loved seeing her transformation from the first book until this one. Kev and Win were meant to be. Seriously. I was already convinced they needed to be together, but once I read their backstory, I fell for them as a pair even harder. I understood somewhat where he was coming from with his fear of hurting her thanks to his background, and I might've respected that more if I didn't think it was ridiculous in a lot of ways. There was no way Kev could've hurt Win. He pretty much lived and breathed for her. I guess the fear is tough to get past when the feelings are so intense though because it took awhile. I say that not from a place of annoyance, however. I loved their story. I don't think it would've been nearly as powerful if it'd happened any different way. And I loved even more that Win was the one strong enough to stand up for what she wanted and pursue it to the extent she did. She challenged Kev in wonderful, if frustrating for him, ways. Did I mention I love this series and Lisa Kleypas can do no wrong in my eyes? Because, as of the time I wrote this review, I'm four books deep in the series and there's no sign of stopping anytime soon. The Hathways are the best. FAVORITE QUOTES Kev loved her. Not in the way that novelists and poets described. Nothing so tame. He loved her beyond earth, heaven, or hell. I am running after you, and life, in desperate pursuit. My dream is that someday you will both turn and let me catch you. That dream carries me through every night. "You are absolutely right, Merripen. We should not be alone together, since the result is always a foregone conclusion: you make an advance, I respond, and then you push me away. I am no child's toy to be pulled back and forth on a string, Kev." "All the fires of hell could burn for a thousand years and it wouldn't equal what I feel for you in one minute of the day."

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