Lumberjanes #9
In order to earn the coveted Gimme S'more badge, the Lumberjanes set out on a backpacking trip in the deep, dark woods. But the woods aren't so scary anymore, now that the Lumberjanes have kicked, punched, and befriended all the fearsome magical monsters out there, so they set out to find the one thing that can still scare them all: campfire stories!

Hayley 📖🌈💜🌸@ohthathayley
This felt like such a filler issue. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Viktoria A@viktoriaslibrary


Fiona Coffey@bibliofi

Fiona Coffey@bibliofi

Taylor @taylorreads

Ella Zegarra@ellieroth


Chelsea Hunter@cnhbookdragon

Patty M.@nerdybookworm