In My Father's House

In My Father's House The Christian Journey

Sharon Watson2005
META NAME="Author" CONTENT="[email protected]" !-- META Tags generated by -- /HEAD In My Father ́s House is a description of our relationship with God from Creation to Eternal life. It tells of how Adam and Eve ́s sin broke the relationship with God, but how Jesus coming restored (fixed) the broken relationship. We understand the physical body needs nourishment to grow and become strong. But, the spiritual body also needs nourishment to growth and remain strong to face the trials and temptations everyday. When we come into the family of God, we are bottle fed. As we begin to mature, the feedings change in consistency because we are able to tolerate or understand more. We need spiritual food each day. In other words, we need to spend time in the Word each day. It summarizes the stages involved in Christian growth or Christian maturity in terms everyone can relate to from childhood to adulthood. It describes the strength needed to overcome trials and temptation.
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