

Erin McCarthy2014
From the USA Today bestselling author of True, Sweet, and Believe comes a tantalizing New Adult novel about finding love in the most unexpected ways… Kylie Warner prides herself on being optimistic, but after finding her best friend in bed with her boyfriend and flunking chemistry, her upbeat attitude has taken a dive. Even an impromptu hook-up with her sexy new chemistry tutor only brightens her mood slightly. After all, it’s not like she’ll ever see the tattooed scholar again… While he’s a whiz at complex equations, Jonathon Kadisch has trouble when it comes to figuring out women. So when Kylie tells him that she’s pregnant after their night of passion, he’s at a complete loss. He’s prepared to be a good father—unlike his own deadbeat dad—but he’s less prepared to fall for the genuine and alluring blonde bearing his child. With emotions running high, Kylie wonders if Jonathon’s devotion is out of growing love or looming obligation. And when heartbreak threatens to tear them apart, Jonathon will have to fight for the only girl who’s ever made him feel whole…
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Photo of Lacey
3 stars
Aug 26, 2021

Originally posted at Booklovers For Life 3.5 STARS I’m a really, really big fan of this series (even though I–ugh!–still haven’t read the first book). I’ve become invested in the characters, in the Mann brothers, their girlfriends, and their whole group of friends, so of course I jumped at the chance to read this latest book in the series! Shatter is the fourth book in the True Believers series (which I highly recommend) and while I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite, I still had such a fun time reading it. Shatter was cute, quirky, and had me smiling and giggling so much! We know from Believe that Kylie’s boyfriend cheated on her… with her best friend. She’s normally a cheerful, glass-half-full kind of girl, but she’s heartbroken at the beginning of the book. Thankfully, Kylie has a distraction in the form of a hot chemistry tutor named Darwin, aka Jonathon. The two are a bit awkward but adorable together, and they just click. And there’s definitely some ‘chemistry’ going on between them too. “You think I’m attractive?” It was an embarrassing thing to ask. I wanted to choke myself for letting it slip out. Darwin nodded though. “I find you very attractive. So attractive that I have to admit to being distracted the whole time I was tutoring you.” Neither of them intended to fall into bed together, but they did, and their actions are not without consequences… because Kylie gets pregnant. Naturally, Kylie freaks the eff out–she doesn’t know how she can take care of a baby or how Jonathon will react. But Jonathon, the hot, dorky nerd that he is, is actually a really nice guy. He stands by Kylie’s side, but the two of them mutually agree that they won’t be falling in love with each other any time soon. Shatter is told through both Kylie and Jonathon’s POVs, and I was really glad to get both of their perspectives. I liked reading Jonathon’s reactions–he’s a good guy through and through, though he does have his idiot moments. As he and Kylie spend more time together getting ready to have this baby, Jonathon can’t help but fall for the mother of his upcoming child. He’s clearly a very analytical, scientific guy, so seeing him fall in love is just the sweetest. “I want a life partner, not a lab partner, do you understand? The day I met you was the best day of my life.” I loved the contrast between Kylie and Jonathon, and how they complemented each other so well. Jonathon is smart and scientific, but he’s never fallen in love until he meets Kylie. Kylie doesn’t think too highly of herself, but being with Jonathon helps her realize that she’s smart in her own ways. These two make the most adorable couple ever! But Jonathon and Kylie don’t have it easy. They go through some very rough, heartbreaking times, and sometimes it seemed as if a happily ever after wasn’t possible. But they eventually try to fight for each other, because even though they never expected the pregnancy, and expected to fall in love even less, they found something beautiful with each other. Kylie and Jonathon are the most adorable thing ever, but I just didn’t love their story. The writing was a bit stilted and off, so I didn’t click with this book as much as I wanted to. I liked the story, and I really liked the characters, but I just didn’t love the book. Still, Shatter is an endearing, adorable love story that fans of the series shouldn’t miss. Quotes are taken from the ARC and are subject to change in the final version. Thanks to the publisher for generously providing me an ARC to review. Amazon Ebook: Amazon Paperback: Liked this review? Subscribe to Booklovers For Life for more!

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