Eye Candy Ink The Complete Series

(I've only read Atlas' story, but it's not on here as standalone, so this review only focuses on Atlas' part) At some point Atlas, the male mc/love interest describes all other girls as "one-dimensional" and that is the perfect word for this novella. Yes, there's smut, yes, there are a few cute lines but overall? Just not enough. Enough of what I cannot say but it felt like it was lacking something. I picked it up, because I saw a Tiktok about books with heroines who fall into the curvy category and I was curious. Remind me not to pick up books solely because I saw a Tiktok with a couple of cute one-liners. # SPOILERS FOLLOWING # Of course, she was not the empowered, thick-thighed goddess we all want to see, but the shy, timid girl with a hint of body dysmorphia, I would dare say. And yes, of course, she was a virgin and the love interest the only one seeing her for how she truly is. Goddammit. I'm so sick of reading stuff like this and writing the review now I notice how much it annoyed me, because I'd cherish a thick heroine in tune with her body and without the need of a man proving to her she's worthy of being worshipped. Sprinkle a little misunderstanding-her-insecuritues-caused-trope on top and garnish that with the typical pregnancy epilogue and you just created yourself a rather disappointing read. If anyone has any recommendations for books with everything this book was lacking, I'm here for it.