Naughty or Nice?

Naughty or Nice?

Sometimes being naughty is far more satisfying than being nice--and the best lovers know that desire is a gift to enjoy together. Four of today's hottest romance authors are gathered here with stories designed to arouse your imagination, titillate your senses--and leave you breathless . . . Naughty or Nice? Sherrilyn Kenyon heats up an office where two coworkers decide to spend the holidays together--only to find themselves surrendering completely to forbidden passion . . . Carly Phillips explores a "mistletoe moment" when a no-nonsense lawyer intent on seducing her boss meets his twin instead--and gives him a scintillating kiss that leaves him begging for more . . . Patricia Ryan surprises a cynical P.I., who meets the kind of woman he never wanted--until she takes him on a journey of rapturous pleasure . . . Kathryn Smith teases a pair of Regency lovers who once shared a night of white-hot passion with the temptation to forgo propriety for something scandalous and irresistible . . .
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Photo of Missy Zuber
Missy Zuber @mlz2883
5 stars
Aug 15, 2022