Night pleasures

Toda a gente já deve ter visto esta coleção em todo o lado e eu não fui a exceção. Decidi começar pelo primeiro livro desta série bem estranha e um pouco fora da época... mas ouvi dizer que a moda dos vampiros está a voltar. Então para quem não conhece, isto é um romance paranormal no mundo dos Dark-Hunters. Um Dark-Hunter é um guerreiro da noite criado pela Artémis - deusa da vida selvagem e da caça. Homens ou mulheres que morreram de uma forma injusta ou dolorasa ficam com tanta raiva que a Artémis lhes aparare durante a morte e pergunta se eles querem vingar-se das pessoas que os mataram, ela dá-lhes o poder sobrenatural e vida eterna, e eles oferem a sua alma e juram obedecer a deusa. A perguta é: se o Dark-Hunter é um guerreiro, então com quem ele luta? Bem, existe outros seres sobrenaturais - Daimons - estes caçam os humanos e sugam-lhes a alma para estender a sua vida. Pois há milhões de anos atrás o seu povo foi amaldiçoado e aos 27 anos de vida eles desentegram-se a não ser que consigam uma alma e como as almas humas não são suficientmente fortes para sustentar a vida de um Daimon, ao fim de algum tempo ele tem que caçar novamente. Depois desta introdução longa, neste primeiro livro a história é sobre o Kyrian um antigo guerreiro antigo de Trácia que conhece Amanda uma mulher que deixa-o completamente distraído enquanto o Nova Orleães está em perigo. Sem dúvida que é um livro específico do seu género, mas eu gosto muito da história que começa a desenvolver por trás. Sem dúvida que vou continuar a ler.

Quickie Review (May contain spoilers, fair warning upon reading this review)
There was a delay in writing this review as I had totally forgotten about writing the review for this one. So I am doing a quick review for this one.
So Night Pleasures was a very interesting setup. We have a setup where our characters are in a forced proximity situation. They were both kidnapped by someone that is out for revenge against our hero. The hero is a dark hunter and has been alone for many centuries. The heroine is a bit prickly in the beginning, but she grew on me. There are quite a few kick ass moments in this story, loved the forbidden feel and seeing how these two find their way to a HEA. It ended a bit different than I expected it to end, I am still unsure how I feel about it, but our couple does end up together. I did love the intensity that builds up to them finding their HEA. It was creative and thrilling and add a certain edge to it that was intriguing.
Overall it was a fun adventure and loved returning back to this world!

I enjoyed this book! The borderline love-hate relationship is quite a surprise, though it didn't last long. I sure adore the banter between Kyrian and Amanda. My heart also broke for what he's been through during his mortal life, hopefully the future with Amanda could heal his wounds. Overall, I loved this book, but in a way I feel like there are just so many details and I ended up confused and I feel like I have to read few books before I read this one. Still, can't wait to read more.

The true first book in the series is the story of Kyrian and Amanda. Kyrian was mentioned in the first story as Julians second in command and best friend. Here we find out the rest of the tale. It's a strong outing that also introduces the Devereaux clan, especially Tabby, as well as Nick, Ash, Talon, and even Wulf. This is fun reacquainting myself with these characters who mean so much to me now. I remembered well that I loved Nick & Tabby right away, but could never get a handle on Ash. Still, it's a good read, with a hero and heroine you can root for and a world only beginning to reveal itself.

DNF 65%. I tried, I really did. I kept hoping it would get better since the book had been so highly rated but the dialogue was terrible and the main characters had no chemistry.

3.5 stars only for the memories that this book brought me, yup

I am very interested in the multiverse of these books This is a great introduction to the world. The world building is easy to follow but yet still extensive I was more interested in the background and history than the characters and the romance. The romance in the prequel between Grace and Julian was way more intriguing Continuing with the series for sure: but I also know I won’t love every romance in every book. I still enjoyed the writing and world.

I listened to the audiobook. I wasn't expecting to like this, but I actually kind of did. I thought it'd be just like every other paranormal romance, and it really is. We were discussing erections by chapter 2, which is a huge pet peeve of mine. However, I thought the rest of the novel was interesting and well-thought-out. Kyrian was too perfect, though. He seemed to have no flaws except for being strong-willed and unable to erase the pain of being hurt so badly in his lifetime. I plan to continue listening to the series, but there's no guarantee whether I'll finish it. Bigger series like this one tend to get repetitive and I lose interest.

I wanted to like it but it was kinda weird and also this white lady's sister is a voodoo priestess? I get she's like half or quarter Creole or whatever but also *squints* Otherwise, it was fun in some parts, super dated in others. PDAs and belt clips for phones used to be cool when this book was written but now I HAVE TO laugh lol