Dying to Tell Me

Dying to Tell Me

Sherryl Clark2014
Sasha doesn't really mind moving. It's not like there was any reason to stay in her old life, after all the trouble. But Manna Creek is strange. And when after a pretty nasty fall, she starts hearing and seeing things that haven't happened yet, or happened a very long time ago, it gets even stranger. Maybe King, their new retired police dog, can help solve the mysteries. He thinks he can. He told Sasha he could. And she heard him... Sherryl's first children's book, The Too-Tight Tutu, was published in 1997, and she now has more than 50 published books. Her other titles include a number of Aussie Bites, Nibbles and Chomps, and novels. Her YA novels are Bone Song, published in the UK in 2009, and Dying to Tell Me (KaneMiller US 2011). Sherryl's verse novel Farm Kid won the 2005 NSW Premier's Literary Award for children's books, and her second verse novel, Sixth Grade Style Queen (Not!) was an Honour Book in the 2008 CBCA Awards. Other recent titles include a picture book of poems, Now I Am Bigger, the middle grade novel Pirate X and the Rose series (Our Australian Girl). Her new verse novel is Runaways, released March 2013. Her books have been published in Australia and overseas. Sherryl teaches creative writing at Victoria University TAFE. Her website is at www.sherrylclark.com, and she also has a site about children's poetry (with teacher resources) at www.poetry4kids.net
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