Shopaholic on Honeymoon (Short Story)

2 stars No more than a quick little read. Didn't really add to the story.

What's the point?

Such a short story but so delightful anyway. Becky is definitely selfish and self-absorbed, but this is what I like about her. I feel I am quite similar to her, impulsive saying things I then immediately regret, getting angry at people when they don’t do what I want, crazy about shopping. SO reading about Becky’s adventure feels familiar and tons of fun. Can’t wait to move over to the next book in the series!

Lea el primer libro después de ver la película, donde me enamore de Becky y sus aventuras, ademas de qué me identifique con muchas cosas del personaje. Luego leí del 2 al 5, todos seguidos y me enamore de Becky aun mas. Toda la saga es muy dinámica y fácil de leer. Me hizo reír, llorar y no pude parar de leer hasta que los termine.

This novella isn't the best. It was a quick read but maybe I am getting old or Becky is just getting more annoying and more stupid? This was ok read but I don't think I will read it ever again.