Short Story Press Presents Love Doesn't Exist

Short Story Press Presents Love Doesn't Exist

Short Story Press Presents Love Doesn't Exist by Aivan Antonio If you are a person who see failing not as a negative thing but a learning experience, this story will resonate with you. “Love Doesn’t Exist” is a story about an 18-year old boy named Bruno who experiences a lot of embarrassment and faces a lot of his internal demons only to achieve one of life’s greatest joys – searching for that eternal love. After suffering from a devastating rejection from Maria, Bruno decides to do whatever it takes to find the girl of his dreams. He found a book that he believes will cure his awkwardness with girls. Discovering the book gave Bruno the urge and confidence to interact with women. He approaches girls in his school. He approaches girls in his community. He approaches girls in whatever place he could think of but every encountered failed. Being an amateur in meeting women, he fails miserably. But all hope is not gone. He is a young man full of determination that even a mountain blocks his way, he will make a hole through it only to achieve his goal in life. Each rejection Bruno faces, gives him a little knowledge in achieving his goal. Do you think he will finally find his true love? Let’s see and find out. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.
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