Door of Bruises

Door of Bruises

Sierra Simone2020
Twelve years ago, our fates were sealed with a kiss. We are all, for better or worse, doomed to love each other until death do us part. My heart belongs to Proserpina and St. Sebastian—even if he no longer wants it. Even if she has left it behind to follow him. Delphine’s fled back home, and Becket’s holy calling is in peril. And now only Rebecca and I remain at Thornchapel to face the unknown. The door is open. The door that shouldn’t exist; the door that people have died to close. I don’t feel like the lord of the manor. I don’t feel like a king or a wild god. I am a friend and a boyfriend and a brother—and a failure at being all of these things. But the door doesn’t care about my guilt. It only cares about the sacrifice I’ll make to close it. As the bruising dark of Samhain approaches, so does the fate of our circle, of Thornchapel and the village and the valley beyond it. And I must don the crown, because one thing is still true, even if I must face it alone. Here at Thornchapel, the kings must go to the door. Here at Thornchapel, all kings must die.
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Photo of arwen
4 stars
May 5, 2024

worst possible way to start 2023

Photo of Abigail
5 stars
Nov 29, 2023

I was putting off finishing this series because I didn’t want it to end. The authors note of “creepy but comforting” is so accurate. I enjoyed the twists and turns of this, the found family, and the folklore all while rooted in contemporary romance. And the writing is just incredible.

Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
3 stars
Jan 1, 2023

I had so much hope for this installment, as the series as been building into this. I should have realized how much I really don't like this author's endings, they never satisfy me much. I had some issues with this one and most of it had to do with the ending, I really did NOT like it at all. I just really felt for Poe, her character just didn't seem fleshed with the other characters. I mean its technically a menage about three of them, but the focus is really more focused between the two males in the trio and not all three of them which I found disappointing. The chemistry and feels in the story are super solid which is what kept me going with this, because I wanted to see how things get resolved with the pairings. However, the ending is what I really did not like at all. I won't share what the ending is, but it's more of an unconventional HEA. And to be honest, the reason I read romance is NOT for unconventional HEA's haha while I appreciate what the author was trying to do here, it just didn't work for me and kinda made me angry haha I really should have read the ending first. (she did something similar with her other menage romance). But the one character out of the six friends, Beckett gets the short end of the stick. I wanted him to find something great and it just doesn't really happen for him much and felt unsatisfying. But in the future I will be reading the endings of this author's book so I am prepared. Overall while I had high expectations, this book still left me with lots of feelings and an intense range of emotions. This author definitely knows how to write a story you can connect to, and I adored the gothic feel of the world-building. Definitely was quite a journey this series took me on and am glad that I picked them up.

Photo of Leonor Ribeiro
Leonor Ribeiro @leonor_ribeiro
3 stars
Oct 24, 2022


Photo of samantha youngclaus
samantha youngclaus@samanthayy
5 stars
Aug 13, 2022


Photo of Ashlee
5 stars
May 2, 2022

I am wrecked, but also completely sated. We shall call this the Auden Guest Treatment, folks. This story is wild and magical and atmospheric and at times so desperately longing to break free from the pages that contain it, it’s impossible to truly encapsulate everything I feel after finishing it. But I am overwhelmed, not just because of how touchingly perfect the ending is, but also because this is my goodbye to Thornchapel, after being with this series from the very beginning. It feels like a blessing to have the chance to open these books and step through the door into this world’s waiting embrace. Like cozying up in darkened library, lit only by the glow of the fireplace. Protected, sheltered and cocooned within its raw, ancient power. Convivicat.

Photo of Laura
5 stars
Apr 15, 2022

𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨, 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬. #1: A Lesson in Thorns ★★★★★ #2: Feast of Sparks ★★★★★ #3: Harvest of Sighs ★★★★☆ #4: Door of Bruises ★★★★★

Photo of Cat Nunez
Cat Nunez @catxbooks
5 stars
Oct 8, 2021

** spoiler alert ** Wow, I’m still processing that ending!! I loved the book but I feel like crying, even though it ended with a HEA. This was the final book of the series and Sierra always writes the best stories, I really enjoyed the kinky scenes, the romance, the rituals and the story in general. Auden and Saint were my favorite, I wanted them to be together from book one and I’m glad Saint chose Auden at the end, despite what the results were. I loved reading their scenes, especially the kinky ones, they were perfect for each other and I’m glad the three of them ended up together. Rebecca and Delphine were amazing too, the relationship between them was inevitable, and even though they suffered at the time, at the end they found their way back to each other. I was suffering with the last few chapters, I had no clue what was about to happen, but I didn’t want anyone to die, so I’m glad it ended like that and understand what the sacrifice really meant. “As they go into the trees, Auden hears singing from the chapel. Something like a hymn, old and Latin and beautiful. A benediction, maybe. Or a blessing. Convivificat.” Now I can’t wait to see what Sierra has in mind for us, I only know I’m here for anything she decides to write.

Photo of fran :)
fran :)@fran_idk
4.5 stars
Jul 17, 2023
Photo of jupiter
3.5 stars
Aug 21, 2022
Photo of Nora Ellen
Nora Ellen@noraaxellen
5 stars
Nov 3, 2022
Photo of adele meagher
adele meagher@ajemma
3 stars
Aug 25, 2022
Photo of Logan Chisholm
Logan Chisholm@loganslibrary
5 stars
Apr 19, 2022