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From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Reckoners series, Words of Radiance, and the Mistborn trilogy comes the first book in an epic new series about a girl who dreams of becoming a pilot in a dangerous world at war for humanity's future. Spensa's world has been under attack for decades. Now pilots are the heroes of what's left of the human race, and becoming one has always been Spensa's dream. Since she was a little girl, she has imagined soaring skyward and proving her bravery. But her fate is intertwined with her father's--a pilot himself who was killed years ago when he abruptly deserted his team, leaving Spensa's chances of attending flight school at slim to none. No one will let Spensa forget what her father did, yet fate works in mysterious ways. Flight school might be a long shot, but she is determined to fly. And an accidental discovery in a long-forgotten cavern might just provide her with a way to claim the stars. And don't miss the thrilling sequel, Starsight! "[A] nonstop, highflying opener." --Kirkus Reviews, starred review "With this action-packed trilogy opener, Sanderson offers up a resourceful, fearless heroine and a memorable cast." --Publishers Weekly, starred review "Sanderson delivers a cinematic adventure that explores the defining aspects of the individual versus the society. . . . Fans of Sanderson will not be disappointed." --SLJ "It is impossible to turn the pages fast enough." --Booklist
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Photo of p.
4 stars
Sep 26, 2024

While I still have some issues with Sanderson as a writer, particularly in regards to his writing of female characters and romantic plots, I had so much fun reading this and following Spensa. It feels good to be in the hands of a competent writer after several duds; the story is plenty immersive and rather than making me feel too old to be reading this, it made me feel like a kid again, ready and excited for an adventure.

Photo of Matheus Villa
Matheus Villa@theus
5 stars
Jul 30, 2024

Cara... É difícil falar sobre o livro e se devo ou não favorita-lo. Eu gostei demais, mas estava um pouco repetitivo, não foi ruim, eu super estava dentro da história, me importando com todos os personagens, mas não posso negar que foi um pouco de lenga lenga... O final me MATOU, era aquilo que eu estava esperando. Tive que ler 90% para os últimos 10% serem absurdamente incríveis, eu tô muito chocado, o Brandon sabe muito como surpreender. Enfim, acho que vou favoritar.

Photo of Luke Harkness
Luke Harkness@lukesblog1
5 stars
Apr 4, 2024

Sanderson but simplified and Sci Fi Initial impressions of Sanderson's first foray into Sci Fi were that it felt quite simplistic and most certainly written for a younger audience. However, this played into a very positive aspect as it allowed the book to be read quickly and flow smoothly. This book has arguably my favourite character in any book, ever. I've never read dialogue and had to stifle an audible laugh. The character brought constant joy and really shows Sanderson's personality. Finally, the story constantly gives you little snippets to keep you reading and the finale is fantastic, if not a little rushed. I really felt like this could be a phenomenal 2.5hr movie. It would make a phenomenal Sci Fi version of Hunger Games - powerful female lead, "chosen one" vibes, a great political intrigue and the same audience. Definitely read!

Photo of Christine
5 stars
Apr 2, 2024

i AM IN LOVE WITH EVERYTHING :))))) eSPECIALLY JERKFACE & FM & BASICALLY EVERYONE my callsign would totally be NightThief [ thank u paul for letting me be able to read this so soon LOL ]

Photo of Phinn
5 stars
Mar 20, 2024

I read this book when I was in middle school, but I don’t think my reading level was really high enough to understand it all. Reading it again as a junior in high school this book has rocked my world. Books like skyward remind me why I love sci-fi so much. Spensa’s character development was amazing and fun to read!! M-bot reminds me so much of Jin from BTS lol. I can’t wait to read the next three books in the series!!

Photo of akynn
akynn @akynn
5 stars
Mar 9, 2024

I lost count of many times I cried while reading this...

Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
5 stars
Feb 14, 2024

I TOTALLY LOVED THIS. I absolutely devoured this over the last two days. I've spent the past week picking up books and putting them down, unsure of what exactly I was in the mood to read. And then I was in the bookstore yesterday, picked this book up, and hoped it was something high-energy and fast-paced that kept my attention. And it did NOT disappoint! This is my first Sanderson book and I'm honestly so pumped it lived up to my expectations. I had so much fun reading this book, I can't even imagine how fun his adult fantasy books would be! I was sucked in right from the beginning. This book gave me similar vibes to The Illuminae Files only because it involved people flying spaceships and I was completely unable to put the book down. I loved the characters, I loved the world. I loved the AI character, even if I also found it annoying sometimes. I did want more romance but I always want more romance (lol) so I'm not surprised and that's nothing to dock the book for. I LOVED the action sequences and the overall story arch of our MC. But honestly, I just had a total blast reading this. It isn't my new favorite book of all time or anything, but damn, I had such a great time following along on this adventure. I'm so psyched to pick up the next one!

Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
4 stars
Jun 3, 2023

This was my first ever Sanderson book, and boy I think I chose right! I loved Spensa as a character, I loved the setting and I especially loved the reveal near the end. So I will definitely be picking up the sequel, though I have no idea when because I am terrible at finishing series, apparently. But yeah, if you love the Illuminae Files and/or Star Wars, I definitely recommend this book! CAWPILE: 8 | 8 | 8 | 7.5 | 7 | 8 | 7.5 (Avg: 7.71)

Photo of Brandyn
4 stars
May 14, 2023

My first ever Sanderson book and I loved it! This was the perfect mix between Top Gun and Star Trek.

Typically, I'm a plot-based reader. I tend to zone out a lot if characters don't follow a plot for a majority of the book; I feel a plot greatly determines characters and their evolution. This book, however, is character heavy, with a focus on Spensa. I was able to get to know her character well and see how she responds to plot points throughout the book. Every moment, the reader can anticipate how Spensa will react because Sanderson does a good job of distinguishing her voice. I wish there was a bit more focus on side characters, but I think we'll get more in the sequels.

I appreciate that the Krell are not standard sci-fi villains. Because there isn't a lot known about them and why they attack, it allows for the focus of the story to be put elsewhere. Particularly, I enjoyed that although the Krell were the adversaries to the Igneous civilization, there wasn't a true villain in the story. It focused more on internal conflicts in the military and between characters.

Photo of C. J. Daley
C. J. Daley @cjdscurrentread
5 stars
May 13, 2023

This book: Wow. The audio performance: WOW.

Photo of Jack
4 stars
May 11, 2023

Defying who people assume you are, discovering the truth and keeping those you care about safe are only a few of Spensa’s missions. A story of discovery, friendship, flying and defiance. Amazing!

Photo of Anum Memon
Anum Memon@anummuna
5 stars
Feb 20, 2023

I cannot recommend this book enough this book made mind want explode in the good ways. Also I just wanted add these words it was exceptional, impeccable and the sci-fi in this was phenomenally done.

Photo of Gillian Rose
Gillian Rose@glkrose
4 stars
Feb 11, 2023

3.5 stars I always struggle with cocky lead characters, especially when they're women. It throws me off and I can't connect as much with them. Spensa did go through growth, but her cocky nature bugged me a lot. Also, this skewed younger than I expected at times (M-Bot didn't bother me at first, but toward the end it did?). And it was a little weird to see real-life references in a Sanderson book. Still, I enjoyed the training aspects and Spensa getting to know her fellow recruits. But I also felt a lot of the Krell stuff and the mystery with her dad got repetitive really fast. A true mixed bag for me.

Photo of Shiveen Pandita
Shiveen Pandita@shiveenp
4 stars
Feb 6, 2023

Good book. Starts off a bit weird and tired but picks up pace and character in the latter half. I really wish the main character had a bit more of non linear development arc and bit less of "i'm a traumatised pariah" archetypal character.

Photo of Abdullah
5 stars
Jan 31, 2023

Ok, so. Let me say one thing first : M-bot was perfect . Nothing compares. If you disagree, you will be dealt with by M-bot's vocal aggression sub-routine. As M-Bot has previously said: “Tremble and fear, all enemies!” he shouted. “For we shall shake the air with thunder and blood! Your doom is imminent!” Ok, in all the serious-ness M-bot was a fantastic companion and I loved each and every one of his line. But, this story isn't about M-Bot, it's about Spensa who M-bot is the companion of. Spensa is a young girl who dreams to join the flight school to become a pilot like her father. Pilots are the most highly regarded personnel in this book because it's set in a planet where it's inhabitants are constantly in danger from the attacks from the above by the aliens known as the Krell. So, the people of the planet, Detritus, live underground. Spensa has to tackle many obstacles in order to join the flight school because her father was named a coward after he escaped the most important battle in history. The high officials seem to think it's a genetic thing and belief that Spensa will do the same but the time comes. Spensa's arc was beautiful to read. All the revelations were done amazingly. All the side characters were well defined and I loved them all (especially Kimmalyn). This book is so fast paced and never boring. The sci-fi element of the book was all so intriguing. It was so much fun reading all the dynamics and different personalities of the side character. My only wish for book 2 is that we explore more of the aliens and the outer world. This book definitely did claim the five stars from me but mainly it's because of M-bot <3

Photo of Shay
5 stars
Jan 23, 2023

I think I'm going to need a minute to recover after reading Skyward. Is it weird that I kinda wanna go down in a blaze of glory fighting the krell just so Spensa can come give me a hero's funeral? I love Sanderson's books so much. He's truly a master of storytelling. He's a world-builder at heart and he weaves details into a plot in a way that feels so effortless. All of these tiny, unassuming details stack on top of each other until you have this entire world with customs and ideas - you start to find yourself being able to anticipate reactions based on a shared history that you now know about, and he does that without going into long monologues on history or making it feel laborious to read. And his characters are so lovable. Spensa is no different. I absolutely fell in love with her and doomslug. He has a way of making characters relatable even if you don't really have anything in common with them. It's not about the commonality, it's about telling the story in a way that makes you understand a character's reactions and even come to sympathize with them (even when they're wrong.) It makes the tough times hit harder and it makes you become invested in the outcome. This is the most epic spin on the boy-and-his-dragon trope I've ever read and I'm fantastically in love with it. I'm just ashamed I didn't read this when I got it in a book subscription box a few years ago right after it was published. Content Warnings: Death, War, Violence, Bullying/Hazing, and Grief. Non-spoilery, more specific details under the spoiler tag. (view spoiler)[ This entire book is about a young girl flying a spaceship and fighting against an enemy force. They are actively at war. Main characters die, the young girl and several other characters process their grief and guilt on page, and there are somewhat graphic descriptions of violence, hazing, and bullying. (hide spoiler)]

Photo of Sampurna Saha
Sampurna Saha @samsstory
5 stars
Jan 22, 2023

This was so fun and interesting and had me gripped throughout. Though there were some slight cliche moments it was still super engaging and loveable enough to ignore them. I love Spensa and M-Bot so much . M-Bot is probably my favourite :))) . I can't wait to see where this story goes it was a great introduction to Sanderson as I was definitely intimidated to read his works.

Photo of Rachel Kanyid
Rachel Kanyid@mccallmekanyid
5 stars
Jan 15, 2023

As usual, Brandon Sanderson does not disappoint. 😍 I had an inkling as to what the end of this book would include, and I wasn't far off!! Can't wait for the next...

Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading
4.3 stars
Dec 21, 2022

It was very enjoyable !

The world is very classic for a SF but it works as a great introduction to the genre for the YA audience. Still, the characterisation, the depth of the story is unmatched in its category ( YA SciFi) we need more of this.

At first it was very rousing, and I was eager to see where it was going. At some part though, I didn’t know where the story was going but getting to know the characters made the ride very enjoyable and then we finally learn more about the politic in this world and how things are the way they are. I can say I was convinced.

Back to the characters. I love them so much even when they act like their age 😂😂 (ugh teenagers) but they’ve been through a lot. I loved seeing friendship flourishes or solidify and i can’t wait to see their growth. I think that’s the part I enjoyed the most

Also shot out to Jorgen (aka Jerkface) who is more than meet the eye. He is a hidden gem and i love him. I ship him with Spensa really hard you can’t imagine.

Photo of Adam
5 stars
Dec 21, 2022

Really really really really enjoyed this book!! Got the sequel arriving tomorrow 👍👍👍👍

Photo of tina
5 stars
Dec 19, 2022

second read: april 1-april 7, 2020 still a 5/5 !!!!!!!!! first read: jan 1-jan 4, 2019 Claim the stars. Skyward is the first book I’ve read this year and I already know it’s gonna be a part of my favorites list by the end of the year. WOW. Just WOW. Despite not knowing a lot about this book when I bought it, I STILL knew that this was gonna be amazing because I’ve already read a decent amount of Sanderson’s books that I don’t think I could ever question his ability to blow me away with his stories anymore. You get to choose who you are. Legacy, memories of the past, can serve us well. But we cannot let them define us. When heritage becomes a box instead of an inspiration, it has gone too far. It’s been quite awhile since the last time I ever picked up a first book in a YA series that completely astounded me. Brandon Sanderson has done it again! Now, how many times have I said that in my reviews for his books? Too many to count to be honest. And with good reason because time and time again he delivers excellently. He always crafts his books intricately and this one, without a doubt, was no exception. The characters were very well written with an evident character growth throughout the story, especially our main girl, Spensa. The main character’s relationship with the other characters was so well done as well, and because of that it felt so easy for me to deeply connect with the characters, despite the fact that we don’t get to read from their point of views, and I just grew more and more fond of them as I kept reading. Also love how each of the side characters had their own distinct personalities, which just made me appreciate their own developments throughout the story a lot more. I love Spensa! She’s got fire in her soul and it’s really admirable. She’s not a perfect character by all means. Like the rest of us, she makes mistakes too. But it’s really inspirational to see her perseverance to chase after her dreams. No matter how many people say no and bring her down, the girl doesn’t stop and she keeps her head held high. I think that’s really great to see in a YA book. The world was something that I was really looking forward to. It’s not as complex and as big as his adult fantasy worlds but it’s still brilliantly well done. The pacing was phenomenal, the battle flight scenes were epic, and the way that Brandon Sanderson describes the flight maneuvers was superb. I could clearly picture out everything that was happening which makes the book a lot more exciting. Skyward is everything you’d expect from a Brandon Sanderson book. Bravery isn't about what people call you, Spensa. It's about who you know yourself to be. Overall, I LOVE this book. It’s 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼. I cried a million times, the battle scenes made me forget how to breathe, and that scene near the end fjsjjsjs let’s just say I was in a glass case of emotion whilst reading this book. I loved it. It’s wonderful and if that isn’t enough emphasis on how much I love this book then let me just say that hours after I finished this, I already wanted to reread it. (Which I did for some of my favorite parts). And the warrior’s way was not to run from failure, but to own up to it and do better. 500+ pages seems like a good amount of pages for a good SF book but 500 was just not enough for me in this one because I NEEDED MORE. I need to know what happens. I need to know what they’re gonna do next. AAAAHHHHFHHHSHS People need stories, child. They bring us hope, and that hope is real. This is no Stormlight Archive, or even Mistborn. But it doesn’t take away the fact that this book is phenomenal, and definitely holds it’s own place. You fix it, and you fly. You find a way, and you defy them. For those of us who don’t have the courage.

Photo of Kayla
4 stars
Oct 20, 2022

I enjoyed Spensa's journey to becoming a pilot. She has incredible fortitude and puts up with so much. Her classmates were interesting and I wish Spensa could have gotten to spend more time with them. The fact that she couldn't not only made it hard for her to build relationships with them, but also made it more difficult for me to for me to feel as attached to them. It also lessened the blow for some of the casualties.

I enjoyed the pacing and the discoveries about the world and the Spensa and her father. M-Bot was fun and interesting and I really want to know about his past. I was most excited about the reveals at the very end.

I found the admiral to be a bit ridiculous and maybe even a bit childish for her age. She seemed to view things more simply and with less nuance than you would expect from someone with her life experience, although I do understand her fears. I really liked Cobb and thought he struck a great balance between tough and fair as an instructor. He also felt very human.

I am especially interested in the wider galaxy and hope we get to explore it in the future books.

Photo of Callisone Dozier
Callisone Dozier@bright_night
5 stars
Sep 7, 2022

Spectacular. Fast-paced. A dash of teen angst. I loved that there was no love story involved, just a group of teens growing. All their character arcs were fabulously done. Although, neither of my two favorite characters were human.

Photo of Ashley Wendt
Ashley Wendt@undertheasktra
5 stars
Sep 6, 2022

Skyward is one of my new favorite adventures. The Viking & Norse Mythology references were perfect and a delightful surprise, as I had no idea going into this read that it was built on some of those stories! I immediately fell in love with Spensa, her bravado, her need to prove herself in a world condemning her for her fathers actions. I don't think I've ever read a book where the sidekicks are a space slug & space ship, and absolutely loved the banter & relation between the sidekicks and protagonists. I cannot wait to read the next installment later this year!


Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

"I do feel things, Spin," he finally said. "Like right now, feel incredibly awkward. I didn't ever think you were the hugging type."


Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

He stood stiffly, tall, with that too-handsome face. He stared straight ahead, and I thought I could see something in his eyes. Guilt? Pain?

Yes Spensa please keep describing him like that lol

Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

"Spensa?" he said. "You don't mind, do you? Staying out of combat? I have to obey my orders.'"

"No you don't."

"Um, I'm a computer. That's basically all I do. I literally can't even count to zero without an order."

"I find that hard to believe," I said.


Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

« I refuse to be trapped by bonds of autocracy and nationalism,» FM said. « To survive, our people have become necessarily hardened, but alongside it we have enslaved ourselves. Most people never question, and doggedly go through the motions of an obedient life. Others have increased aggression to the point that it's hard to have natural feelings! »

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

"This is about me. Just a minute." He marched over and grabbed my arm. He flinched as I immediately raised a fist, but I reluctantly let him pull me away.

Lmao am i so f’ ed up for shipping them so hard ? 🌝

Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

"You're the only source of informationI have" M-Bot said. "If you tell me things that aren't true, what can I commit to my memory banks? This puts me at risk of retaining false data."

"That's a risk we all live with, M-Bot," I said. "We can't know everything-and some of what we think we know is going to turn out to be false."

M-Bot is an AI but I don’t care I want to protect it 🥺

Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

"How about Jerkface?" I said. "It's what I've been calling you in my head. We can call you that."

😂 please Brandy give us a enemies to lovers kinda trope 😭

Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

"We're not hopeless," I said. "just....eager. "

Lmao Spensa

Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

"Is anything fair?" He smiled. "Death is. He treats us all the same. Oh-seven-hundred. Don't be late."

Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

"Do you ever feel they forced you to be what you are?"

Especially when trying to fit in.

Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

"Claim the stars, Spensa," I whispered.

Photo of Amira BEN
Amira BEN@amirasreading

"Is it all lies, then?" I asked. "The talk of equality and of only skill mattering? Of finding your right place and serving there?"

The harsh reality 🥲

Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

A couple of destructor blasts hit M-Bot’s shield. “Hey!” M-Bot said. “Just for that, I shall hunt your firstborn children and laugh with glee as I tell them of your death in terrible detail, with many unpleasant adjectives!”

Page 489
Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

“Tremble and fear, all enemies!” he shouted. “For we shall shake the air with thunder and blood! Your doom is imminent!”

Page 486

Bless your stars, M-Bot <3

Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

“Spin,” he said, “you could be tied to a table with eight broken ribs and a delirious fever, and you’d still find a way to make everyone else look bad.”

Page 434
Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

"We must not cower in the dark because we’re afraid of the spark within us. The answer is not to put out the spark, but to learn to control it.”

Page 429
Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

“A warrior is nothing if she has nothing to fight for. But if she has everything to fight for . . . well, then that means everything, doesn’t it?”

Page 427
Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

“People need stories, child. They bring us hope, and that hope is real. If that’s the case, then what does it matter whether the people in them actually lived?”

Page 424
Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

She hummed softly, her face resembling the furrows of the crumpled blanket before her.

Page 423
Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

"But remember, Spensa. You get to choose who you are. Legacy, memories of the past, can serve us well. But we cannot let them define us. When heritage becomes a box instead of an inspiration, it has gone too far.”

Page 422
Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

“It has always seemed to me,” she said, “that a coward is a person who cares more about what people say than about what is right. Bravery isn’t about what people call you, Spensa. It’s about who you know yourself to be.”

Page 421
Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

“Sometimes, the answers we need don’t match the questions we’re asking.”

Page 360
Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

“No insult intended!” M-Bot added. “You have very nice shoes!” “We’ve been working on his compliments,” I said. “They aren’t nearly as stupid as the rest of your outfit!” “He still needs practice.”

Page 352
Photo of Loïs Zane
Loïs Zane@loiszane

“You fix it, then,” he said. “You fix it, and you fly. You find a way, and you defy them. For those of us who don’t have the courage.”

Page 349