The Year of Dreaming Dangerously

The Year of Dreaming Dangerously

Slavoj Zizek2012
2011 was the year of dreaming dangerously: we all witnessed (andparticipated in) a series of shattering events. Emancipatory dreamsmobilized protesters in New York, on Tahrir Square, in London andAthens – and there were the obscure destructive dreams propelling themass murderer Breivik and racist populists all around Europe, fromthe Netherlands to Hungary. The subterranean work of dissatisfactionis continuing: rage is accumulating and a new wave of revolts willfollow. Why? Because the events of 2011 were signs from the future: weshould analyze them as limited, distorted (sometimes even perverted)fragments of a utopian future which lies dormant in the present as itshidden potential.
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