Slow Bullets
From the author of the Revelation Space series comes an interstellar adventure of war, identity, betrayal, and the preservation of civilization itself. A vast conflict, one that has encompassed hundreds of worlds and solar systems, appears to be finally at an end. A conscripted soldier is beginning to consider her life after the war and the family she has left behind. But for Scur--and for humanity--peace is not to be. On the brink of the ceasefire, Scur is captured by a renegade war criminal, and left for dead in the ruins of a bunker. She revives aboard a prisoner transport vessel. Something has gone terribly wrong with the ship. Passengers--combatants from both sides of the war--are waking up from hibernation far too soon. Their memories, embedded in bullets, are the only links to a world which is no longer recognizable. And Scur will be reacquainted with her old enemy, but with much higher stakes than just her own life.

Janice Hopper@archergal
Needed a SF fix and I picked this. It was ok. Didn't go quite where I thought it might go. Interesting look at the way this ship of folks ("dregs") coped with finding themselves unexpectedly thrown out of the only world they ever knew. It was ok.


Greg Copeland@gtco

Kieran Mansfield@cepheusradio

Ian Betteridge@ianbetteridge

Alexander Neumann@alex23

Stephen Gill @steog

Steven O'Toole@osteven

Stephen Gill @steog

Jess Belliveau@jess-belliveau