Snow Falling

Snow Falling

The author is the fictional title character on The CW comedy-drama telenovela.
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Photo of Kyra
4.5 stars
Mar 20, 2023

For fans of the show this an absolute must! No, it may not be a literary masterpiece but it’s cute and definitely fun.

Photo of Romy
4.5 stars
Jan 5, 2023

soooo gut, wie die Serie

Photo of rory
4 stars
Sep 10, 2022

I really like this book and was the first book i read in english so is kinda special too me. I read this book bc of the tv show behind it but was really different than what i imagine but i still like it and recommend this book if u like romance books.

Photo of Stacey Sampson
Stacey Sampson@s_lizabeth
2 stars
Aug 14, 2022

I wanted this book to be better than it was. I loved Jane the Virgin so expectations where set high. This is supposed to be a historical romance but quite often I would find myself forgetting what time period it’s supposed to be in. I had a hard time trying to keep the characters separate from the show, and trying not to compare the entire thing to the tv show. To me seems like a quick novel just to get the novel out there for Jane the Virgin fans. Which, I appreciated. The details in the dedication and the fake reviews are fun. For the details and effort that was put in to make this book written by “Jane Gloriana Villanueva” I would give it 2.5 stars.

Photo of Eva Blok
Eva Blok@evaablok
3.5 stars
Jun 22, 2022

i like the plot but it takes a long time until it gets to the point and i could’ve been better tbh, some exciting moments but most parts are kinda boring and that’s disappointing, the series are better<33 also i was super excited when i found out there is a book based on the series but it was disappointing, and !spoiler¡ in the series jane/josephine ends up with rafael/rake but in the book with michael/martin and it skips exciting parts of the series so yeah

Photo of Abigail Duncan
Abigail Duncan@abigailduncan
3 stars
Apr 28, 2022

Cute story if you have seen Jane the Virgin

Photo of Ivayla Stefanova
Ivayla Stefanova@theunusualbooklover
4 stars
Nov 29, 2021

I love these story. I live Jane, Michael, Rafael and everyone else. But still, I'm sure Jane wrote it better.

Photo of Katie
3 stars
Nov 22, 2021

This was a fun look at what Jane Gloriana Villanueva's novel would look like. For anyone who doesn't know, Jane is the main character in the TV show Jane the Virgin (which is a PHENOMENAL show, like 100000/10) and over the course of a few seasons she writes a book--this book. I don't really read romance, but I love the show and this book was just chilling at my library, so I thought, why not? It is essentially a rehash of the main plot points in the first 2 1/2 seasons of the show--so if you haven't seen it, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK. MAJOR SPOILERS MY DUDES. The writing is fine, but the characters seemed flat, likely because the author expects the reader to be familiar with the TV show characters that the book characters are based on. To be honest, I expected more sexytimes. Where are the sexytimes??? Almost every review I've seen of this book criticizes that it is exactly the same as the TV show, and to those people I would like to say: ???????? That is literally the point???????? They even say on the show that this is Jane's ultimate love letter to Michael??????? I feel like this is not a valid critique, and that's just tea.

Photo of Nicole
3 stars
Nov 21, 2021

Very cute and a good read if you have watched Jane the Virgin, however it was nothing special overall. Perhaps this is because it is not a real book and more of a gimmick for fans of the series. Also found the name changes a little confusing to follow!

Photo of Emily
3 stars
Nov 17, 2021

So... this isn't my typical kind of read. Obviously this also isn't really a "real" book as it is the book that the character Jane wrote on the show Jane the Virgin. I was interested in reading it because I'm getting mildly frustrated with the current season of Jane the Virgin so I needed a moment to step back and enjoy the plot of season one all over again (which this book essentially follows but in 1900 rather than present day). Overall, I'd give this book around 2.5 stars, but not because I didn't like it. I was entertained throughout most of it, but I do recognize how odd the writing was and some of the weird ways that the characters acted. However, one thing that I think this book did really well was capture the essence of the characters from the show. I was thoroughly surprised at how well this book portrayed Rogelio (from the show)/Ronaldo (in the book). His character was a spitting image of himself in the show, and the narrator made sure to emphasize that. While this book didn't really bring anything new to the table in the world of Jane the Virgin, it did let me solidify my opinions on certain characters (and my OTP), and reflected the quality of what Jane's first novel most likely would have been like.

Photo of Elizabeth Raines
Elizabeth Raines@izzyrain729
4 stars
Nov 10, 2021

PROS - The characters were enjoyable. - The writing was surprisingly really good for a romance! - Fun and easy to follow. - I think you can read this book if you have not seen the CW series. CONS - Some people may find this very dramatic. - The excerpts of Josephine writing and the narrator might confuse some. - Don't know how historically accurate this is. First book done for the Reading Rush 2020

Photo of Aly Valenz
Aly Valenz@alylovesbooks
5 stars
Oct 7, 2021

Major Jane the virgin vibes, but good story non the less , I felt smack in the middle of the timeline it was set in. Though of course I couldn’t picture anyone but our Jane the virgin cast.

Photo of Sarah
2 stars
Sep 9, 2021

2.5 I was tempted to dnf this book many times (and I rarely get this feeling), but it was short so I pushed through it. This is not even what I typically read and it’s not even a real book, but I love Jane The Virgin so I really hoped this was going to be good. Unfortunately, it lacks the charm of the series and the characters are so bland, except maybe for Ronaldo. I also love Michael and I was so looking forward for a happy ending between him and Jane but eh, not even that made me like this book!

Photo of Pia Sophia
Pia Sophia@thepiasophia
4 stars
Aug 30, 2021

** spoiler alert ** I give this book 4 starts because I LOVE Jane the Virgin and because my heart honestly skipped a beat when I found out this book was real. Also: Rogelio's "review" cracked me up. I must say I ship Jafael 10000%. I never really rooted for Michael in the series, although of course their love story was cute. But in this book, I converted into team Michael. Or Martin, that is. The main reason for this is because J cheats on M in this book. Okay, I get it, in 1900 an accidental artificial insemination isn't really possible, BUT this is such a huge part of the story and without it it just feels... weird. Not the Jane I came to love. She wouldn't cheat on her beloved Michael ever. So I was shocked, to say the least. But somehow it worked. Rogelio de la Vega is one of my all-time favourite characters on the show, and Ronaldo de la Sera (hehe) has made me giggle and even laugh out loud multiple times while reading this book. I am happy I read it. Happy that I could enjoy Jane's world a little longer now that the show has ended. But I can't really accept the fact that Josephine (Jane, that is) cheats on Martin and gets pregnant that way. Oh, well, it sure made me feel a whole lotta feelings and I guess that's a good thing after all.

Photo of Jess Ostrander
Jess Ostrander@metalheadreader13
2 stars
Aug 26, 2021

Cheesy as heck, and not that great, but if you love Jane the Virgin, you'll like it for the novelty.

Photo of Mirella
3 stars
Jan 1, 2024
Photo of alba
4.5 stars
Sep 28, 2023
Photo of Kimberley
1 star
Sep 11, 2022
Photo of Bianca McLean
Bianca McLean@bianqui
1.5 stars
Sep 11, 2022
Photo of Lily Pitchers
Lily Pitchers@lilypitchers
3.5 stars
Jun 9, 2022
Photo of angel
2.5 stars
Feb 25, 2022
Photo of Anahitaa
4 stars
Sep 28, 2023
Photo of Sophia Karastergiou
Sophia Karastergiou @sophia2
3 stars
Aug 19, 2023
Photo of Sofia Bengtsson
Sofia Bengtsson@sofiabengtsson
3 stars
Jun 29, 2023


Photo of Eva Blok
Eva Blok@evaablok

“Yo Martin, te tomo a ti, Josephine, como mi esposa. Prometo serte fiel en lo próspero y en lo adverso, en la salud y en la enfermedad. Amarte y respetarte todos los días de mi vida.”

so this is basically the part where they get married and martin says it in spanish for josephine oml

This highlight contains a spoiler