So Sad Today personal essays

Overall it was a great book. I found it fascinating that at times I found me and the author were almost identical in thought and then at others we couldn’t be more different. But either way, her words in this book touched a certain part of me. I’m not sure what exactly the emotions it stirred in me were, but I’m glad I read it. And just something to add: I’m not a heavy reader. I read MAYBE 2 books a year for pleasure. But this book makes me want to read more again. So I want to deeply thank the author for that.

"Filled with an unmeasurable amount of existential dread, Broder’s humor makes difficult topics like her husband’s debilitating illness and letting go of an unfitting relationship seem manageable, yet fosters a sense of reality and the understanding that we all have struggles, and they can make life harder than we’d like to admit. Though humorous and enjoyable at many moments, So Sad Today is an easily relatable take on depression, anxiety and addiction and the ways these trials shape our deepest thoughts." Read more here: http://www.justcutthebullshit.com/hom...

Rereading for the second time and this book still holds a special place in my heart. Entertaining essays that does not bore me at all. Lots and lots of interesting sentences and quotes and even a whole paragraph that I highlighted and will visit from time to time. Though my judgment will stay the same that the vomit fetish ruined the whole experience, but the rest are great.

I read this because the author has anxiety and depression, just like me. But she also has addiction issues, an eating disorder, a vomit fetish and a penchant for twitter and sexting. The book is funny and graphic, but it's also doesn't get too deep if that makes any sense. 3.5 stars.

Melissa Broder's essays were very fun, quick, and exciting reads, and while I struggled through the fetish essay, you know the one, I did find it interesting nonetheless. Excellent humility, prose, and growth shown in the essays.

this is, to this day, the weirdest book i’ve read. and honestly i loved it
i’ve not read a lot of non-fiction but i’m starting to begin reading it and i’m glad i started here. melissa broder is so unhinged i love her so much , i hope she’s taking care of herself
i loved the essays, i loved their endings. i loved feeling understood by her sometimes. i love women being unapologetically themselves, makes me want to do it too
so glad i read this, and i can’t wait to reread it when i’m a bit older

I could not help but to devour this entire collection in one sitting. Highly recommend.

i thought i would like this book so much more then i did — but similar to the siren, the way language is used and the way the book makes me feel is... not good the author is extremely, intimately personal in a way that i normally find comforting and endearing but instead found offputting and disconcerting. i found it okay to read, it certainly pushed me out of my comfort zone, but i wouldn’t read it again.

This is perhaps the most relatable book about mental illness I've ever read. I wanna highlight it all and put it on t shirts and get it tattooed. It's wonderful.

3 stars. Well written and narrated. The author shows an immense strength of character to be able to write from and about such vulnerable places. I found a few chapters to be great, extremely relatable and filled with a raw emotion. Others, I didn’t enjoy all that much, but I would say it is because I could not relate in any way to the situations or feelings behind the writing. It induces some pertinent reflections and depicts very accurately what anxiety is, and what other conditions it brings, specially in the last chapter.

Weird and sometimes gross book but is one of those you have to finish. Talks about some taboos and actual things lots of people are going through.

Okay this book is terrible but one of those terrible things you can’t look away from or put down. Like it’s funny and gross and i hated it sometimes but then i also hated myself for liking it. You’ll definitely take something away from reading it. It was given as a gift and honestly I wanna gift it to someone next.