Songs of the Humpback Whale A Novel

not enough whales

Not her best work. While I get that she was trying to get a "full circle" effect, the book ended up being disjointed and repetitive.

Está bien escrito, es ficción literaria un tanto experimental, si se quiere, teniendo en cuenta su estructura y que fue publicado en 1992. Pero hubieron muchos tópicos que se "romantizaron" como violencia familiar, abusos sexuales, una relación entre una niña de 15 y un chico de 25. Todo muy raro. No.

I want to love Jodi Picoult. I really do. Everyone I come in contact with raves about her books. Something about this book is lacking for me... The writing seems too disjointed and thrown together. I'm 1/4 of the way through and I'm getting ready to throw the towel in on this one. Maybe I picked a bad first Picoult book to start with. I'm going to try and come back to this after the weekend and see if I feel the same way. I don't even feel I feel funny giving it even 1 start because I haven't read it enough to even try to decide if I like it or not - I'm that miserable with it. edit: I read 20 more pages and honestly I'm done. Please tell me I'm not off the mark here. I just can't get into this book and the idea of picking up another Picoult novel makes me nauseous. My Ratings: 5*****I loved this book, consider it an all time favorite 4**** Thoroughly enjoyed the book and will recommend it 3*** I liked it well enough, 2** Brain Candy - It was okay. Writing mediocre, will keep/re-read if part of a series 1* didn't like/possibly not finished. (less)