
This book wasn't Sophie Kinsella's best. I have read the Shopaholic series and I've Got Your Number, both of which I loved. I love the fluff and lightness that Kinsella's books offers. Her books are the perfect in between books. So that was what I was expecting with this one. I didn't exactly get it. This book wasn't terrible but it was honestly a 2 star rating until about 30% was left. It was the characters that really did it for me and I almost didn't finish the book because of them. Lara irritated me to no end. She was a liar with no backbone. She lets people walk all over her. I mean for god's sake, her best friend left her in the lurch of a brand new company they had started and Lara just let it happen. Who does that? She was obsessive about her ex boyfriend to the point where she probably should have had a restraining order. Sadie, the ghost of Lara's great aunt, wasn't much better. She was incredibly rude and nearly ruined Lara's life several times during the book. She expected Lara to just drop everything in order to find this necklace of hers. She wasn't even grateful until the very end and even then, she acted really entitled. I just didn't appreciate the way Sadie treated Lara. I suppose that Kinsella made these characters incredibly immature so we could see their growth. But honestly, it was a struggle. They were too immature and seeing their growth wasn't a huge payoff. Yeah, sure, Sadie became grateful for everything Lara did but even at the end, she was yelling at Lara. Lara, on the other hand, finally started being honest and she finally started following her dreams and not letting people walk all over her. Overall, this book wasn't great. The ending was okay but getting to that ending was a huge struggle. If you are looking for a started Sophie Kinsella book, I would skip this one and pick up another one of her books instead.

Absolutely loved this! This was by far my favorite of all of Sophie Kinsella's novels so far! Love love love!

I'm in love! I've read quite a few of Kinsella's books and this was definitely the best of them. It was so full of adventure and it made me laugh and cry. I also happen to like the 1920s a lot and this book was perfect description of that age. The book was emotional, funny and mystical. I just love that in a story. And I liked how everything turned out well in the end. And in the end Lara is finally happy. And of course, Ed was just delicious!

Divorato in un giorno. Nel suo genere cinque stelle sono meritatissime, devo leggere altro di quest'autrice prima o poi!

Definitely my favorite of her books.

One good friend of mine told me to read this book and I've had it for few months sitting on my shelf until I picked it up few days ago. It is such a beautiful book, so nicely written. Plot is amazing here. And the way Lara's character has been worked on is so nice. And Sadie, oh Sadie.. I know that I cried for the last 20 pages. I recommend!

Sophie Kinsella never fails to amaze me. This is a great story about a girl who learns so much about family she never knew, about herself, and those around her. Anyone and everyone who comes into contact with Sadie (even those who don't know they came in contact with her) is touched in one way or another - including readers! I recommend this story to anyone with an open mind and a sense of humor. Tally-ho!

Touching story. This book is about a girl name Lara, who doesn't know how to speak up for herself in front of her families and friends. One day, things start to change ever since she attended her great aunt funeral whom she barely knows.

** spoiler alert ** I quite liked this one actually. I wasn't expecting to because of all the negativity I've seen swirling around it, but I found it enjoyable. I LOVED the twist at the end with the painting, as I was not expecting a huge plot point like that to arise so late in the book. And I'm thoroughly pleased everything was going on a good path for Lara at the end, things seemed to be going downwards fast, I'm glad she got her life in order to what she wanted.