
3.75/5 stars Review to follow

This book was odd for me. There are some aspects of it that I liked and some not so much. I found the writer's style to be unnecessarily complex throughout most of the book, producing many rambling passages that didn't add to the story. I'm not sure what the point of the story line involving Leslie or Mary Alice was, other than to get the point across that the main character was sexually inexperienced and frustrated. Surely there are more succinct ways of doing that. In that same vein, I think the book could have benefitted from some editing to reduce the length. I struggled to stay involved with the story initially sa the characters just seemed to go through the same motions over and over again. I found Stingo to be mostly uninteresting as a character and Nathan was OK. I think that I might have enjoyed the book more if the author had just told Sophie's story.

During my trip to Poland, I wanted to read as much as I could on anything Polish. This book was good, but quite tedious and long. It was slow going, but I'm glad I plodded through it...the same way I feel when I read certain 'intellectual' classics.