
I listed to this on audio, and the female MC was very whiny the way it was read. I wanted to DNF it but I pushed through. The male MC’s voice was SO deep that I had to turn my volume up to distinguish what he was saying. There are also multiple male POVs, but only one male narrator. The male narrator doesn’t change his voice at all for the different male characters, so it took me several chapters to realize it wasn’t even all the same male POV and that there was 3 or 4 or something. This made it a little confusing to follow, especially in scenes that had multiple of the men talking to each other. Onto the writing, I like the world well enough and it’s interesting. There’s like 8 or 10 books or something in this series so I’m kind of hesitating. If I do decide to continue this series it will not be on audio. I give the narration like 1.5 stars, and I give the writing 4 since the audio format is heavily coloring my review.


** spoiler alert ** I marked the paragraphs that contain SPOILER so you can just skip then if you want. This book just didn't do it for me, I would not recomend it and here is why: 1. The Characters felt very 1 dimensional the underdeveloped. I never got the feeling of actually knowing anyone. 2. The relationships between the Main Character and well anyone really felt really rushed. The hole plot takes place within one month (if I remember corectly). Father and daughter have never met before, he didn't even know he had a daughter and almost right after introduction they have this close relationship but claim not to have it. !THE FOLOWING PARAGRAPH CONTAINS SPOILER! He is like: " I don't know her and I don't trust her" but invites her into his houses, gives her clothes, a map of his estate and never even thinks to withhold information from her. Also they know each other for one day but he goes all protective father on her the second Kai (the love interest) tells him what he did... which is an issue of it's own. !END OF SPOILER PARAGRAPH! 3. The "Romance" is the most Insta love I have ever encountered. I didn't even know it was possible to take it to this kind of level. ! THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH CONTAINS SPOILER! They pass each other on the road while he is severely sleep deprived and he just gives her this necklace that starts the whole soulbonding thing. They didn't even know each other's names! They complete the whole binding process within less that a week of knowing each other (while both are conscious). At the end of the month they are at the I love You and treat each other like they have been married for centuries. !END IF SPOILER PARAGRAPH! 4. The conversations always super dramatic without any actuall emotions behind them or consequences. It's like they just forget that they are mad at each other. 5. Consequences are another issue. There were so many seemingly useless revelations that where of absolutely no importance in the rest of the book. 6. Characters were introduced and just seemed to vanish after a few scenes. They just stopped beeing important and there purpose was forgotten. 7. The magic had no rules, or at least they weren't explained. I never knew what magic could and what it couldn't do. The one rule that did exist was that Iron was bad for magic but even that got tossed out of the window at some point. I believe I have now listed the major problems I had with this book. This review got a lot longer that I expected. Anyway I hope you have an awesome day and are reading something you enjoy.

This book appears on the shelf French

This book appears on the shelf Childhood and ya