Specification by Example

Specification by Example How Successful Teams Deliver the Right Software

Gojko Adzic2011
Describes a method of effectively specifying, testing, and delivering software, covering such topics as documentation, process patterns, and automation, along with case studies from a variety of firms.
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Photo of Lance Willett
Lance Willett@lancewillett
3 stars
Oct 11, 2021

Enjoyed this overview of a testing methodology that brings in BDD principles to automated software testing environments. It's a bit too complex for my needs, yet I love the idea of capturing everyone's opinion in specification (business owners, testers, developers, analysts) — as well as the philosophy of living documentation. Two favorite bits: 1. Functional requirements, specs, and acceptance tests are the same thing. 2. Don't just disable failing tests — either fix the problem or move to a set of low-priority regression tests that don't run as often or alert in the same way. Hat tip: Alister Scott.

Photo of Julien Sobczak
Julien Sobczak@julien-sobczak
5 stars
Oct 22, 2022
Photo of Recep Karabicak
Recep Karabicak@irecep
4 stars
Feb 17, 2022