The St. John Chrysostom Collection

The St. John Chrysostom Collection

"Why are dust and ashes proud?" ( Sirach 10: 9 ). And in many places you will find that pride is disgusting and very hateful. This is what [the prophet David] says here: with one who looks proudly and with an insatiable heart - with this [one] I did not eat ( Ps. 101:4 ), since pride is extremely harmful and pernicious not only for the one who has assimilated it for himself, but also for the one who does not share it for a long time. The prophet placed the greedy, hungry heart next to the proud, since the spiritual disposition of both is the same - both ascending above his neighbor, and greedy in relation to his neighbor. So, it is good, brethren, for us to put aside pride and acquire humility, so that we may not hear: “every one that exalteth himself shall be abased;” but: “he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” ( Luke 18:14 ). At the same time, it is good to be strengthened in temperance and moderation, so that the greed of the heart does not drive away the truth from itself and then hear: "For the greatness of thine iniquity are thy skirts discovered, and thy heels made bare." ( Jer. 13:22 ). Let us avoid the behavior characteristic of people who are proud and greedy, so that, due to the habit of communicating with them, we do not learn their vices (3). /// The great Holy Apostle Paul, recounting the many trials and tribulations to which he had been subjected, cries out [loud]: I die daily! (1 Cor. 15:31). In interpreting these apostolic words, St. John Chrysostom asks, "How did he die on a daily basis?" – and replies: "By zeal and preparedness thereof! And why does the Apostle say this? – “In order to confirm the truth of the resurrection. Who would have opted for so many kinds of death were there no resurrection and no future life ?!” /// “No one can serve two masters ,” says the Lord ( Matt. 6:24 ). About this, St. John Chrysostom teaches: “Do not tell me that you are not worshiping the golden idol, but show me that you are not doing what the gold commands you to do. For the images of idolatry are different: one honors the mammon for gentlemen, another - the womb for God, another - the most universal lust. You do not devour oxen like the Greeks, but much worse, you slaughter your soul; you don’t kneel, you don’t worship, but with great obedience you do everything that commands you womb, gold and lust torment. Therefore, the Greeks are vile, because our passions have been enriched.” (Conversation 6 on the Epistle to the Romans). /// The apostle Paul himself says about himself: I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 6. But for Christ to dwell in us, this is not a matter of one day or two, said St. John Chrysostom, but of many years and years. Moreover, he who wants to acquire Christ must renounce everything: it is impossible to work for the world and God together.
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