Star Trek: Destiny #3: Lost Souls

I don’t think I’ve yet read a Star Trek book quite so addicting. Or I guess I should say books, because it’s a series! Star Trek: Destiny: Lost Souls by David Mack is the third and final book in the Destiny series. And oh my gosh its just as good as the first two. All the events of the previous books come to a climax and resolution in the book, and it’s definitely worth getting through all three books to the end. This series is one that I could read again and again. Things played out in a way I could see them happening. Mack has a really good understanding about how the characters would think and act. I have to give this book five stars. It was a great way to top of the series, and I loved the fact that we got to see all the crews we love working together in more than a “here is a fan-service cameo” kind of way. If you're a Trek fan you definitely need to read this series! I've already gotten four other people hooked on it. :-)