
Two of my favorite sci-fi shows combines into one was something I merely fantasized about. Having read Assimilation 2 and seeing both worlds collide perfectly was just fantastic. All the character's personalities were captured spot on, from the Doctor being mildly intrigued by Data, to Worf being agitated by the Doctor's confusing explanations. The story line was great, two similar enemies, the cybermen and the borgs, join forces to dominate the world. Just then, when matters start to get serious, the Doctor shows up with his two companions, Amy and Rory, up to ward off the intruders. What I really liked though was this part where the doctor get a flashback and we're transported back in time to stardate 3368.5, when James T. Kirk was captain of the Enterprise. Captain Kirk and his team encounter the old-school cybermen, not sure if the term 'unfortunately' would be appropriate here, because if it weren't for that incident, the Doctor wouldn't have showed up. But wait, it's a flashback, so the Doctor appears in his fourth-regeneration self, handing out jelly babies among the crew. "Fascinating. Gelatin confectionary, dusted with starch, and molded in to the shape of a small child." -Spock on Jelly Babies

I am not a big comic book reader, but I do love Doctor Who and Star Trek. So I had to read this crossover series. I just breezed through the first four, and I thought the story was pretty cool and I think it even made pretty logical sense. The Doctor and the Ponds meet the Enterprise crew and as the Borg join forces with Cybermen. There's even a cool scene that visits both series' pasts. I'm not sure if different artists worked on these - but the fourth one just didn't look as nice. I'm not sure if there's some comic-booky way to describe that. Definitely worth checking out if you are a Whovian & Trekker!

I think I can finally, definitely, say that the filmed version is superior to the original script, upon which this adaptation is based. This is Star Trek from another universe. Is it just me, or are some of the pages out of order, or printed right-to-left? I found some pages hard to follow.

This book appears on the shelf French

This book appears on the shelf Childhood and ya